A Word About Our Wiring

People hire electricians to fix a wiring issues. Consider this.  Humans beings have wiring issues as well. Our human system is designed to conduct electromagnetic frequencies so our bodies can function in balance and optimal health and well being. Sometimes a part of the body’s circuitry gets disconnected so that it is unable to power itself to the best of its capacity. It’s a little like a house where some of the wires have not been connected to the outlets. Wiring issues happens when some part of us has lost the electrical connection to the greater body of earth. This can happen through deep seated trauma, fear of incarnating into this reality, or conflicting beliefs that cause disharmony within the electrical syatem of the body.

How does a wiring issue happen?

Let’s start with our beliefs. Our beliefs begin to be programmed into us even before we are born. As a fetus we are sensitive to the emotional state of our mothers.  As a hypothetical example let's say our mothers were stressed during pregnancy.  Our mothers release stress hormones that bathe us in cortisol. This impacts our developing brain to be excessively hard wired for a primitive fight or flight response. Once we are born we may have a belief that the outside world is not safe.  Then after we are born we are repeatedly indoctrinated by the world view of the people around us. We are told what is right and what is wrong. Other people's worldview becomes our worldview which then becomes “the truth”. The next thing we know, we are programmed with a set of beliefs that we assume are the real truth. Think of these beliefs as part of our operating system. These beliefs operate in the background in our subconscious minds. These beliefs show up as the “Voice” in our heads that constantly talks to us every waking minute of the day. The Voice tells us what to do, what to say and how to behave. Because we are social creatures, ultimately we fear not belonging or being included, so we go with the conforming beliefs that insure our safety as part of a group.

Do we ever stop to consider this "Voice"? The answer is, no, we probably don't. Why? Because we assume the Voice is “just us”. If we spent time paying attention to the "Voice", we might be shocked to learn what it is telling us about ourselves. Just take a moment and really pay attention to the "Voice". The "Voice" reflects our covert and overt personal beliefs that frequently are  based on our covert beliefs that we are unacceptable, unlovable, or unworthy.  Our overt beliefs express feelings of not being good enough, smart enough, safe enough, athletic enough, attractive enough, kind enough, happy enough, worthy enough, competent enough, strong enough, giving enough…. The list is endless!  The "Voice’s" running commentary reflects back our internal state of "lacking"and informs us on what to do and say and how to act.   A couple of scenarios can play out.  We boost ourselves up with an inflated sense of ourselves to avoid  feelings that make us feel less than or conversely we feel very intensely how lacking we truly are.  This sets us up to engage in behaviors that are not in our best interest and/or are very destructive.  On another note, not all wiring issues are a result of our beliefs. There are other factors at play besides beliefs that have to do with a soul’s reasons for incarnating and what a soul desires to learn in this lifetime through various experiences. Even in these circumstances, it has been my experience that anyone can benefit from having their wiring enhanced.

The Crisis

Eventually this message of “lacking” wears on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies because it is not in alignment with the true nature of "Being". Before it gets to the point of crisis, we get hints that things are out of alignment with what our hearts and souls desire for our continued growth and well being. The message gets louder and louder until it can’t be ignored. The trick is paying attention to the signs before it becomes a true debilitating crisis. Paying attention to the signs are difficult. But if you happen to be reading this, then you are in the right place. Healing happens when a person is truly ready because letting go of who you think you are can be unsettling. But it doesn't have to be.  Take on the idea that we heal at pace we are capable of handling.  And consider the alternative.  A lifetime of emotional, mental and/or physical dis-ease? Who needs that!  Congratulations if you are willing to take a step forward to embrace your true self.

Cosmic Electrician

I call myself a Cosmic Electrician because after several decades of partnering with people in a healing capacity, I have discovered that there are some fundamental principles which help explain to me how healing happens. Are these principles absolute? No! It is my creative interpretation.  My creative interpretation would be different from yours because everyone is a unique expression of the creative Universe.  From my perspective, we exist in a dynamic Universe that is perpetually exploring and discovering its potential.  So here is my creative take on this dynamic Universe.

Humans Are Meant to Be Grounded With The Earth

We have an active and dynamic electrical relationship with the earth. We assume we are separate when in fact we are of the earth. Literally we are meant to be electrically connected to the earth. Covert beliefs unground us from the natural electrical current of the earth. It is like having a house where some of the electrical wires are not attached to some of the outlets so we can’t realize the full potential of our house. Like a tree limb that falls on an electrical wire and snaps its connection causing it to flail, many people have some aspect of themselves that have become ungrounded due to trauma or negative false beliefs about the self. Their connection has literally been snapped and the belief then operates like a helium balloon untethered, floating around ungrounded like a live wire in the auric field and embedded in the chakra system. Often what comes with this situation is an underlying fear of actually being embodied as a human. The belief exists as an ungrounded program disconnected from the natural wiring of the earth. Conversely, when errant beliefs are actively grounded we reconnect to the intrinsic nature of All That Is through the earth.

Grounding Links us to Natural Toroidal Fields

All living structures, including us, the earth, the sun and the cosmos, exhibit what are called toroidal fields. A Torus is shaped like a donut and has a dynamic flow like a whirlpool going through the center and back out around the sides. Electrical engineers are familiar with toroids as energy converters. One end recycles energy and the other emits. When we are grounded, energy naturally flows into the earth’s toroidal field and we are in a perfect state to clear ourselves of anything that prevents us from being our authentic self. As a cosmic electrician and through years of training, I have discovered ways to help my clients ground discordant belief programs in their auric fields.  In the work that I do, thought forms ground through the 1st chakra and are transformed by the toroidal field of the earth.

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Humans Are Meant To Be Connected To The Cosmos

We are connected to the earth, and the earth is connected to the sun, and the sun is connected to the solar system, and the solar system is connected to the galaxy, and the galaxy is connected to other galaxies in a dynamic electrical dance of multidimensional toroidal fields. Needless to say, we are connected to the Cosmos. To have aspects of ourselves ungrounded by our beliefs, we can’t sense our natural connection to the entirety of the Universe. An example would be a piece of cloth with a hole in it. The fibers are still connected to the other fibers but at the area where there is a hole it is perceived as a void. When we place ourselves in a state of separation from All That Is, which errant beliefs cause us to do, we create a hole and look out through it and believe we are alone. We can’t sense our connection to everything. In a disconnected state, we are only partially available to the incredible amount of creative potential we are meant to embody as a natural extension of All That Is. Through our crown chakra we can receive a tremendous amount of creative potential from the Cosmos. This potential can only be acted upon if we are grounded on earth. By grounding errant beliefs through the earth, which is naturally connected to the Cosmos, we are more readily available to the infinite potential that naturally exists in the universe in the form of immense creative possibility.

What we are discovering about COSMIC INTELLIGENCE…

As more people extend their awareness out into the cosmos, the cosmos is responding by conveying new information and intelligence back to us that previously was not available. Our evolving understanding of the quantum field means that that through consciousness we have access to intelligence in the cosmos that is evolved well beyond our current state on earth. Tapping into this knowledge means healing capabilities are taking a quantum leap. When accessing this new information in the form of frequency, our cellular chemistry is also getting upgraded and reconfigured. This sounds like science fiction, but it is true. Think about it. With all of the trillions of star systems out there it is virtually impossible that we are alone. Some of these intelligences have had thousands if not millions of years of evolution over us. Needless to say, they have learned a few things that aren’t even close to our horizon here on earth. Now that many of us know how to tap into the quantum field beyond space-time, we are accessing this cosmic knowledge that can be conveyed instantaneously through conscious intention and the ability to access receptive brain states. Practitioners like myself who are doing continuing education and are learning how to integrate and utilize this new information, are experiencing even more positive outcomes with their clients.

What Happens When Beliefs Are Grounded?

1. Spontaneous Physical Healing

It is not uncommon to have spontaneous physical healing. Since time is really an illusion designed to have us experience this dimension in a certain way, we believe that healing takes time. Consciousness exists outside of space and time. In the right circumstances, physical healing can be spontaneous. This is because grounding the belief transmutes the belief. When it has been transformed the body naturally adjusts right then and there.

It may be that for the physical to heal, something on the emotional level must heal first. Sometimes people come for something physical but what happens is a sense of peace and well being that ultimately facilitates healing on other levels.

2. You Become An Objective Observer Of Your Beliefs And Can Do Something About It

Another phenomenon that can occur is you become an objective observer of your troublesome beliefs and thus are available to make course corrections because you are not subjectively living it. The beliefs that don’t serve you become easier to transform because you can see them being played out as if you were watching a play. In addition, transforming beliefs through grounding allows the vibration of Forgiveness to be more available. Forgiveness is a natural response to the natural vibrational state of a neutral and unconditionally accepting Universe. As you ground and release errant thought forms, your ability to access Forgiveness increases as you "ground" with the true nature of the Cosmos.

3. Emotional Healing and Well Being

When we are no longer consumed by errant beliefs, our spirit is free to be and do what our hearts desire. We no longer operate from a place a of “should” or” have to” or be reactive to life. We will feel more peace. The "Voice" in our head responds more from a place of neutrality and presence.  It is more in congruence with our hearts rather than our egos. Our healing then facilitates the healing of those around us. Systems created around dysfunctional beliefs perpetuate dysfunctional interactions. As our dysfunctional patterns heal the system reflects this healing.

4. Creativity and Manifestation Flourish

We become more available to our creativity and the ability to manifest what our hearts' desire.

5. You May Make A Dramatic Shift In Your Life
When discordant beliefs are grounded, we may find that old patterns no longer fit.  We welcome in new ideas, friends, and even where we want to live.

A Word About Healing: We Heal Ourselves

I had a very tentative client once who really wasn’t sure what to think about spending money on something as ambiguous as energy work. She was skeptical and I welcomed her skepticism. It didn’t matter to me if she didn’t believe in what I did or not. The important thing was her true desire to heal. Because she showed up despite her doubt I knew she was ready. A year later I ran into her on the street. She thanked me. “For what?” I asked. “For saving my life. And I remember you gave me permission to be a skeptic.” For all skeptics and non-skeptics alike, it is OK to question my working assumptions.  Ultimately it is not about me and my beliefs. I can’t heal you. But I can be a witness to your healing when there is a true desire on your part to be healed. By being an active witness in the Stillpoint, I can help boost your intent and make it a reality.


I provide a safe and comfortable environment for you to reflect on what you would like to transform. You may or may not choose to share your transformational intent. It does not affect the outcome. I will ask you to lie on a massage table. Pillows and blankets are available to make your experience comfortable and relaxing. I will be working with the multidimensional field around your body. With permission I may gently touch you occasionally and I will also be working around you. The sessions build upon themselves simply because people are complex. People require time for adjustment before moving on. In most cases expect 1-3 sessions.


I offer remote healing sessions and it is becoming my preferred option. Why?  Because remote healing is equally as effective as in person healing. My clients can be within the comfort of their own homes and not have to get in a car to go somewhere.  That’s convenient! I cannot convey enough that connecting to the quantum field is a non-local phenomenon outside of space and time.  I can instantaneously connect with you because that is where my conscious is focusing its attention. The only reason a person would need to come to my office is through personal preference and not because they think that being in person will somehow be more effective. In the quantum field you can connect to me by your heart felt intention and I connect with you with my heart felt intention. We are a team and are in a sense engaging in a virtual phone call with a specific intention in mind.

Frequency Boosts

Frequency Boosts are free. They happen on the 1st Monday of every month at 12 pm PST. These boosts are virtual, meaning they do not happen in person. When you “SUBSCRIBE” below you become part of a group avatar that agrees to participate in a non local phenomenon outside of time and space to experience these healing frequencies. You do not have be in a particular place to recieve these frequencies although if you have the opportunity to sit or lie down and just relax during the actual boost, you may have a more experiential and palpable interactionin in the moment with these frequencies. How does it work? Just through the act of signing up you are agreeing with your intention to receive these healing frequencies. These frequencies are atuned to the needs of the group, which is much bigger than it’s parts. Sometimes these frequencies clear dense energy fields from the group, sometimes the frequencies open doors to new possibilities. Every session is unique. If you would like to understand more about the flavor of these boosts, go to my blog page. Some of my blogs are about the boosts. You can “SUBSCRIBE” to the boost at the bottom of any one of my pages.

Please know you will not recieve a bunch of emails from me other than reminders of the boosts and perhaps a recap about what transpired if it is noteworthy. Noteworthy boosts will usually be an email with a link to my blog. I do not write about every boost. The avatar is growing steadily and with it the potency is increasing. Tell your friends and enjoy the benefits! With love, Minny.