WARNING: These arisings are not yours and are provided purely for entertainment purposes. Believing thoughts to be accurate, real, true, an actuality, or your true nature will cause intense discomfort and suffering.
— Michael Jeffries


What Is the Stillpoint?

The “Stillpoint” is that place the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche merge, and can, among other things, communicate a new operating pattern for the unconscious to implement. In the Stillpoint, clients often report neither being asleep nor awake but acutely “present” and often peaceful. How does one get to the Stillpoint? The Stillpoint is available to anyone, however most of us do not take interest or the time to cultivate the ability to access this state. Sometimes it takes a guide like myself who has made it my passionate study with many years of training and experience to help guide people into this state. By metaphorically holding your hand we jump into the Stillpoint together. This is where the miracles of transformation can happen. This is not a mental process. It is a vibratory state that your “being” recognizes and resonates with. This is a co-created phenomenon. I cannot take you there if you are not ready. Most people who are interested in this experience are here because they earnestly and wholeheartedly wish to transform something that does not work for them any longer. It is our agreement to go together to the Stillpoint so that transformation can take hold.

Sometimes people just want to feel that deeply relaxing state that the Stillpoint offers; to take a pause from the busy world. If that is your intention, that’s perfect as well. Not everyone who comes to me has something they want to transform other than to have a break from the business of life. I have heard clients say that it is more relaxing than a massage.

If you are coming for Transformation….
What Gets Transformed?

Plain and simple - thought forms, that is, your personal beliefs. We are conscious beings. Our origins come from an infinitely creative intelligence that manifests into this dense physical dimension. To use the analogy of a computer, our physical bodies are the computer that our creative conscious selves utilize to experience this dimension. The operating software that this computer uses, runs in the background keeping your body functioning without your ever having to think about it.  It also has programs that inform us on how to respond in our everyday life. These programs reside in a multidimensional field that includes the human aura. The aura is the repository for thought forms that arrive with us when we are born as well as the thought forms we accumulate over the course of our lives. Many of these thought forms are encoded in our DNA. The scientific study of epigenetics is confirming this DNA connection. Unfortunately, we have virtually little idea that these thought forms, or "beliefs", are driving our computer. Sometimes dis-ease occurs because over time, the computer, or the body, is worn out by conflicting software i.e. beliefs. There is the subconscious program that says, do it this way, and the more conscious software says “no do it this way”. The subconscious software almost always wins out because it is hidden and deeply embedded in our subconscious. It carries deep beliefs about ourselves that we believe are true of us. We may think on a conscious level that we are a certain way, but underneath we can have conflicting beliefs that represent our subconscious programming. Even if we are aware of our hidden default programs, it is often difficult for us to override them. This exhausts us and will eventually cause dysfunction and disease in our lives. This is why we have probably heard someone say, “I know I don’t want to experience this (you fill in the blank) anymore. I know this distress is not good for me and it does not serve my best interest, but I am doing it anyway". Here is the good news. We do not need to suffer any longer from conflicting beliefs or subconscious programming.  Stillpoint Transformation can help.