It's Time!

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It’s Time!

Dear Exquisite Soul.

It is time!  Due to our current positioning within the galaxy and the universe, there are spectacular forces at work calling upon us to shed old and outdated beliefs and unconscious programming that reflect duality - us vs them, who's in, who's out, who's on top, who's on the bottom.  These beliefs are not in coherence with the natural state of the universe - LOVE!  They can no longer be tolerated by our "being". Literally it is becoming more painful to hold onto duality because we have crossed over into the new facet of Aquarius that comes with a brand new set of frequencies all meant to propel us forward into authentic “being” .  If you try and cling to the edge of the old facet, it will become more and more exhausting and painful until eventually you will have to let go and land in this new paradigm.  This is what we are seeing play out on the world stage. Resistance to change.

We have entered head long into Aquarius which allows for a different perspective - to embrace "being for the sake of being" .  "Being does not compare itself to something else.  It operates from the heart not the egoistic state.  It excepts itself as is - as a flow of consciousness.  It is like swimming with the current rather than swimming against the current.  We have been swimming against the current for a long, long time and we are tired!  Duality has served a purpose for consciousness to experience exerting force against force; to really "get" what it's like to be in opposition (duality) to something else.  Now it is time to return to the flow. The more we fight this new reality, the harder the transition. 

So the first act of "being" in this new era is self acceptance. To love who you are despite your circumstances.  You are OK just the way you are with your joy and your pain. Your light is not dependent upon your circumstances.  You are exactly where you are suppose to be so learn to accept the journey as loving lessons and soul development. Stop comparing yourself to the world view.  It is a dying paradigm, right?  So why attach yourself to something that is dying? It’s time to knock loose some of those destructive old world beliefs of being less than, shameful and lacking. Through October 1st 2019 Libra is conjunct to the galactic center. This means on top of shifting into Aquarius, we are receiving unobstructed potent information directly from the center of the universe. We are getting a well deserved boost. Take a deep breath as change is not always easy. It can come with pain especially when there is resistance to change. Old systems must fall to make way for the new. Old ways of being must also change form in response to the new information that is flooding in. The more we can embrace change rather than fear the unknown, the more ease we will have in this transition. Let’s move forward with courage to share our light with others. If you are feeling resistance from an old pattern, challenge your belief about worthiness. It is false. Find your support systems. There are so many people out there who want to help you. Wish for it, pray for it, demand it! We do not have to do this alone. Not only is our light contagious but but it literally serves to ground this new reality on earth. This may sound cliche, but it is true. You are the change!


To help with your transformation, sign up for my free frequency boost held on the first Monday of every month at Noon PST

Minny Purinton