Changing The Story


Changing The Story

October 2019 frequency boost has to do with changing our personal stories. We cannot make changes in the global story until we have sufficiently dealt with our own personal stories.  To change our personal stories requires work and determination.  Now more than ever, we are ready to take on this challenge.  For this month's boost I saw a huge torus field appear which indicated that each of you is getting a boost to transform something very big that normally would seem impossible to change. A torus field is a powerful transformer of frequency, light and information from one form to another.  Through the use of toroidal fields consciousness manifests all forms of creation into existence.  Toroidal fields exist around all objects of creation including you, the earth the galaxy and the universe.  In the exact center of every torus is the zero point field where all possibility exists as potential. Your heart is the center of the human torus field.The potential gets activated by your heartfelt desire. Your heart is the great manifester but it has to be behind the creation 100%.  If there is doubt, worthiness issues, fear etc. this gets in the way of the heart being able to do what it naturally wants to do which is to create with joy and love.  The heart must be unblocked to do what it does best. This month's boost is intended to help you ditch outdated stories so your heart can operate with more ease. Remember, you get what you concentrate on so be very clear what change you wish to manifest. Place that desire in your heart then let it go.  You have set the desire in motion and with this month's boost your intention is turbo charged!  You deserve to be exactly who you were meant to be.  Let's change the story together.  We need you!  

If You Wish To Be A Part Of My Monthly Free Frequency Boost Sign Up On My Web Site


Minny Purinton