Prepare For Change

Hello Beautiful Souls


Prepare For Change

This month's frequency boost is to help us stay grounded in the midst of great change afoot on a global level.  We are on the brink of mass societal structural shifts brought about by planetary and galactic influences as well as complete dissatisfaction with long established administrative constructs and use of power. In other words, our societal foundations are beginning to shake which, if we choose, can create a fear response...... or not.  It's up to us....

We must understand that every structure that has been put in place has been put in place by the "collective mass consciousness".  We think events are separate from us but we have actually created them on a mass scale out of our beliefs about the world.  How we look at the world contributes to locking a thought field in place that collects weight and momentum by the more people that buy into it. Societies are formed this way. 

So for example, if we have thoughts that are driven by greed, us vs them, better me than them, lying to self and others, people are naturally corrupt, putting ourselves down as lesser than (and the list goes on...... ), they contribute to one massive multidimensional energetic thought field that takes on an unwieldy life of its own. 

This thought field continuously gets reinforced because it gets reflected back at us and confirms that the world is this way.  It becomes a living breathing echo chamber of our thoughts and beliefs.  This is the nature of consciousness.  What we believe gets reinforced by our beliefs.  If we feel unworthy, we will have experiences that confirm our unworthiness.  Mass consciousness is no different but infinitely more complex because it has many, many beliefs intertwined.

What is happening now at this particular juncture?  People are beginning to see the idiocy of the dominant paradigm that favors greed over communal good, the one over the many, wrath over forgiveness, brute force over understanding, conformity over acceptance of difference, self-centeredness.....and it goes on. This system is at the breaking point and not sustainable. Why?

Like individual consciousness, mass consciousness rejects stagnation. Our current paradigm has become stagnant because it is not serving a critical mass of its individual parts, meaning us!  Individually we all know what it is like to be stuck.  It is an uncomfortable place to park for very long.  Being stuck either compels suicide or sickness or it propels us forward into brilliant new momentum and creativity.  Our current mass consciousness is at that juncture.  It can annihilate itself out of sheer agony or break through.  I am in the camp that we will break through. There are more of us that want to survive the game than die.  I see it as a birthing process. It can be painful. Surrender means that we accept that what is going on is a natural process as horrible as it may feel. 

Fear feeds the mass consciousness demon.  Resist fear.  We need to find a different reference point - the calm within the storm. What helps me is my belief that my soul is here to have a physical experience but my physicalness does not define me.  First and fore most I am consciousness.  I cannot be destroyed.  When I leave this body, I will still exist.  Really if we don't die then why not be brave?  Let's not make humanity a failed experiment that causes our expulsion from a rich playground for souls . 

So what to do? The irony of preparing for change is that we have to "change in order to change". The first change to consider is your orientation.  It requires surrender to that which you cannot control.  Why then get all frothed if you can't control it? The only real control we have is over ourselves.  Since each and every one of us is part of this mass consciousness ball, we influence the system by what thoughts and beliefs we contribute to it. Take stock of what destructive beliefs about self and other you are contributing to the unwieldy ball of mass consciousness that produces fear and anxiety. But please...don't add more guilt! 

I will focus on just one destructive thought that most of us carry - lack of self-worth. To change this belief about self, it starts with us not buying into the system that reinforces our inferiority or superiority.  If hearing what others say makes your heart feel heavy then don't buy it.  All of us are worthy.  But how do we reclaim our worthiness?  Easier said than done.  Here's a place to start.  If it is just too hard to see your own worthiness let it go and focus instead on helping someone else feel worthy. 

Recently I saw a video of the Dalai Lama.  He was asked one question by a young American man - "There are a lot of people my age that struggle with anxiety and depression and so my question to you is if you had the ability to whisper in their ear an advice or a lesson to every single young person in the world what would it be and why?" The Dalai Lama's response - "Too much self-centered attitude. Me me me me. Then anxiety, suspicion.  The antidote of self-centered attitude, altruism and consider all the human beings as one human community.  Children,  young age, they don't care what other's nationality or other's religious faith. Be together.  We all have same right to achieve happy life.... my main daily practice is practice altruism. Very important factor of physical health." 

Finally treat this earth experience as if we are in a play. It is improvisational psychic theater and rich playground for the soul to explore coming back to "love". The soul loves a puzzle.  It is much more exciting discovering love than having it be handed to us on a silver platter.  This realm helps us to know what is not love in order for our soul to appreciate and be in love with love. We have chosen parts and we get to use our creativity to play it out.  Let's choose our roles wisely.  We can do this by truly examining our beliefs.  As creators we draw to us what we believe.  If we believe that we are doomed we will create doom. Let's create the world we want to see by acting it out in our own little microcosm that we do have control over.  Don't underestimate our power. We cannot control the system but we do have control of ourselves.  Surrender to what "is" and carry on in the pursuit of joy and love of self and others.  Together we are powerful co-creators.  Let's do this!

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Minny Purinton