Calling All Grounders!

Dear Stillpoint Community. 


Calling All Grounders

How are you precious souls?  How are you navigating in these unprecedented times?  I don’t know about you, but it seems as if all the personal work I have done up to this point has been preparing me for this very moment. 

My Blog this month is part a call to action and part an offering to help in these challenging times.  The truth is Dear Souls, we are needed right now, more than ever. I am going to share one simple thing that we can do right now that will help us and the current situation significantly.  It will require only one step and that is to fully “Ground” ourselves.  If  interested, I can help with your  grounding.  Just sign up for my free Quantum Frequency Boost at my website here.  I do the Boost on the first Monday of every month.  The next one is April 6th 12 pm PDT. If you live somewhere else in the world please check your local time zone here.

As I mentioned, this month’s Boost is going to be all about “Grounding”.  When you sign up on my website you become part of the group Avatar. Please note that I am not big on sending out a lot of emails. I only send out emails to remind folks that there is a Boost coming up, or to share what I noticed happened during the Boost. These Boosts are powerful and Grounding is critical right now. Please share with your friends and join me in the quantum field on April 6th at 12 pm PDT. If you are not getting notifications about my Boosts, please check your spam box.

First let me explain why grounding is critical right now and how it is going to help with what is occurring on Earth.  To start with, humans, and all things found in nature, have an active and dynamic electrical relationship with the Earth. Humans however are the only ones in the natural kingdom who have corrupted this electrical connection.  Many humans assume we are separate from the earth when in fact we are of the earth. We literally would not be here but for the alchemical forces found here on Earth. We are an integral part of her body just as skin, lungs or hearts are integral parts of our bodies.  As with any body if you have a part that is not functioning properly, dis-ease occurs.  Right now, mother earth has a disease and we are the sick organ.  Why are we the sick organ? 

Plain and simple - our overt and covert beliefs about self and others have ungrounded us from the natural electrical current of the earth. For thousands of years humans have experimented with duality.  In simple terms it means we created a system to perceive reality like it was outside of ourselves. Duality was created as an experiment to see ourselves from another perspective.  The ego was/is an integral part of this system. It was created in order to perceive an “I”. Unfortunately this system has inadvertently created a world view that reinforces certain dynamics that promote competition -“us vs them”, “who is up and who is down” and “how do I get more for myself”.  Duality causes unthinkable pain, self-worth issues and an inability to love fully. This system promotes a lack of connection with the rest of nature which has never left “Oneness”.

The casualty of duality is that many humans just don’t want to be here due to ancestral, collective, epigenetic, reincarnational and present trauma. Many of us perceive pain just by incarnating.  As a result, many humans pull up their wiring, so to speak, from the earth’s circuitry from the moment they incarnate. Trauma thought forms (beliefs) are stored multi-dimensionally in a subconscious field in various places outside of the body. They are untethered from the earth’s electrical field.   Secondly part of the soul tentatively hovers, like a helium balloon, above the crown chakra where the soul enters the body to incarnate, because it fears full embodiment. The result is many of us are not available to receive what we are capable of being. It’s like having a house where some of the electrical wires are not attached to some of the outlets.  We can’t completely realize the full potential of our house, nor the benefits that we get from being fully grounded to the earth’s circuitry because we are tentative about incarnating.  The casualty to Earth is that we are a dis-eased organ from the moment we are born!

If you believe in reincarnation, duality has served an important purpose including potent lessons on love. There is a lot to be learned from a dualistic state. Nonetheless, that cycle is coming to a close with the Earth’s entry into the Age of Aquarius.  New era, new teachers, new lessons. As we move more into alignment with this new facet, we are being radiated with a new set of frequencies and light codes from the universe.  These codes are a little like computer code in that they are embedding a new operating program.

Take on the idea that we have been sitting a in shady a spot close to a tree for 2,160 years (the time it takes to move from one astrological age to another), but slowly the sun is moving out from behind the tree and we start to feel the light of the rays on our eyes and the heat on our bodies.  It seems like the same spot but it feels different now that the sun is hitting us directly.  In this scenario, the earth has moved and so has the sun but not your local space.  The direct rays of the sun make it feel different however.  Now place this concept within the grand scale of the cosmos. The cosmos has reorientd itself in relation to us. The structures look the same but everything is starting to feel different.  This is because we are being influenced by forces in a new way.  This new influence is naturally causing us to shift and adjust to what influences are coming in, just as you would adjust to being in the sun for the first time in 2160 years.  You would adjust accordingly.

This new chapter is about returning to Oneness where the heart is the instrument of choice - connection, acceptance of difference, compassion, heightened intuition, telepathy, embodied love and more. To make way for this new influence, the old guard structures of duality are going to have to transform. In Systems Theory when one part of the structure starts to changes, the whole structure must re-orient . Some parts of the structure will fight to return it to the way it was. If the force that is changing the structure is a tsunami instead of a ripple, then the old structure will be forced to change whether it likes it or not. Right now there is a tsunami and the old structure is going to go out kicking and screaming!  It may seem like the old structure is as strong as ever, but in fact we are hearing the sound of screams from the old structure as the tides of change take them out to sea.  Even though we are seeing a world where dictatorial leaders and fascist ideas are becoming more appealing, it is because there is an underlying fear that those in power are loosing control. Give it time. They can’t fight the tide. Eventually there will be a surrendering to what is.  There are too many beings of light incarnating now who have completed their reincarnational cycle and are ready for the next chapter. The world is changing my friends and that is why we need grounding more than ever!

So how do we actually facilitate this transformation through grounding? Let me start by saying all living structures, including us, the earth, the sun and the cosmos, exhibit what are called toroidal fields. A Torus is shaped like a donut and has a dynamic flow like a whirlpool going through the center and back out around the sides. Electrical engineers are familiar with toroids as energy converters. One end recycles energy and the other emits. When we are grounded, energy naturally flows into the earth’s toroidal field through the 1st chakra and is transformed by the toroidal field of the earth.  How many of us have gone outside to take a walk and feel much better afterwards? We didn’t do a thing other than walk. Right? That is because the earth did it all for us.  The earth actually wants our unprocessed material.  In nature, our hearts are more connected to the earth’s electrical field.

Mostly what the earth takes is stuff that doesn’t belong to us in the first place. That’s right, we pick up and carry stuff that is not ours by not being fully grounded.  If we have a diminishing belief about self, by the very nature of it being diminishing, the belief is ungrounded. The belief then gets magnetized and attracts other ungrounded thoughts from the collective.  How many of you have walked into a place and felt fine and didn’t after being there for a while?  This is because way back thousands of years ago when we were connected and communicated telepathically, we were meant to be porous in order to pick up on the vibrations of others.  It was how we communicated.  We were telepathic. Whether we like it or not we naturally pick up on the frequency of the collective and make the mistake of internalizing it and taking it on as ours because some aspect of us is ungrounded. Some depression is the result of being sensitive to what’s going on in our surroundings and having no means to get rid of the weight. It is very common. We are not alone. What to do?

The first thing to do is to get outside as much as possible. Take advantage of the natural grounding the earth has to offer.  It will help get rid of the first tier of stuff that’s not yours. Sit on rocks. Lie down under trees. Take your shoes off. Put your feet on the ground or in the water. Whatever it takes.

What about the second tier of stuff?  That stuff has to do with our own ungrounded beliefs about self that are attracting all the other stuff. This is ninja step two. This step requires more intention than the pure desire to go take a walk.  It requires you to believe in Mother Earth’s ability to transform your stuff simply by asking her. She wants your connection and is capable of taking your stuff. because once you ground the material you stop living it subjectively. You start to see the beliefs from a more neutral perspective. You do not need to fully understand the content of the material.  That time is past.  New chapter.  Just ask for it to be gone.  This can happen more effectively if you find a nice quiet spot in nature and take a moment to imagine it being grounded and transformed by that tree you are sitting up against.  The tree won’t mind.  Or you can go one step further if you are a meditator. As you enter your deep state go in with the intention of rewiring your subconscious with the assistance of Mother Earth. Ask to be coherent with her vibration. Either way, visualize your electric chords carrying all your ungrounded beliefs out of your feet and root chakra down, down, down to the center of Mother Earth where you plug yourself in.  Do this as much as possible and regularly check your state by visualizing if that chord is still connected.. Or ask yourself the question?  Am I grounded right now? Either way we can use our intention to ask the Earth to ground any and all thoughts and beliefs that do not serve our higher purpose as sovereign and connected “beings” of planet Earth.  Ask and let it be so!  Do not underestimate the power of intention or the Earth’s ability to transform our material.

In this time of transition, we are being called to hold calm, peaceful, space for others. If we are ungrounded ourselves, we cannot do that.   Become grounded! Do it for yourself first however long it takes. If we become firmly grounded, we are going to be boss when it comes to helping others. We will become Master Grounders! When we become Master Grounders we automatically become grounders of the collective without even knowing we are doing it.  We take on a super hero capacities to transform other people’s stuff without it affecting us one inch.  People will start to say they feel better just talking to us. Why?  Because we are firmly grounded.

Grounding takes practice and persistence but it is worth it.  It is equally important to recognize when we are not grounded.  When we are not grounded, that is not the time to put ourselves in situations where we are susceptible others unprocessed stuff. How do we know if we are not grounded? If we are obsessively listening to the neurotic voice in your head, then we are not grounded! That’s the time to ask for help from Mother Earth. For example, in mid-February I took a sudden fall on hard ice while skate skiing in variable conditions.  The impact of the fall shot through my pelvis and sent a shock wave up my spine that knocked the wind out of me.  For the next month I could barely walk, breathing was spasmodic due to displaced ribs and sleep was not an option due to discomfort.  I cancelled all my clients and sequestered myself. Why? Because I knew I was ungrounded. I felt incredibly unsafe and vulnerable. I was in no position to work with people.  I knew what I had to do. I bet you can guess.

In my reconnaissance I spent a lot of time grounding myself and visualizing being healed. I started by working on regrounding myself and sending lots of love to my body in meditation. As soon as I was able, I started taking the dog on walks in our local forest even if it meant I walked only a short distance before I had to turn around.  Understandably my doggie was very disappointed. I had to apologize to him a lot. Dogs need to put their paws to the earth everyday to affirm their connection to Earth. It is essential for their own health. Why do we think we are different?

Now that I am better, I am calling on all grounders. Many of us are home, let’s take advantage of the situation. Let’s take the time to ground together!. There is potency in numbers. It magnifies the effect. Let’s do this! Monday April 6th at 12 pm PDT - Quantum Frequency Boost: Grounding . For those of us who are working don’t worry. If you sign up at my website, here , you will energetically be part of the group Avatar. For those that have the time and space, find a nice place at 12 pm PDT ( If you live somewhere else in the world check your time difference here-) to relax uninterrupted. For some of us that may be impossible due to circumstances. Don’t worry. You won’t be missing out. We are connected through the quantum field. You have already showed up just by joining the group.

Minny Purinton