New Direction: On Clearing The Collective Thought Field


New Direction: On Clearing The Collective Thought Field

Hello Beautiful Souls

Did you know that within the multi-dimensional system of our bodies we contain what looks like a light filled chimney that runs from our shoulder blades, up the back of our necks and reaches as far up as our arms can reach above our heads.  This chimney, or shall I say channel, is our sensor that connects us with the collective field.  It senses and feels the environment.  It’s what connects us to all other consciousness.

Let me elaborate.  Way back in time, we perceived ourselves not as individuals, but as a collective thought.  We were intimately connected to the earth and all its species through this channel.  This sensor was used to communicate telepathically and sense the environment without having to physically communicate.  Our sense of belonging and purpose was closely tied to this collective context and our back channel was how we perceived the whole.

As we invented tools and technology, we became more skilled at adapting the natural world to our needs and desires.  This also changed how we perceived our place within the natural world.  Individuation was the result of our shift from unity consciousness to that of duality driven by technological advancements. The ego formed along-side these changes.  Our speech became the main way of communicating and we forgot about this sensor, perhaps because it was/is a more subtle form of communication and required a certain attention that we started to ignore due to language.  Even though we stopped utilizing this aspect of our vehicle this sensor never went away!  We just decided to ignore it.  What are the implications? 

It means it is quietly working in the background doing what it has always done, which is pick up, sense and feel the collective field of consciousness.  Except now what it is sensing is the thought field of the collective ego state, as opposed to the original and still highly active natural state.  The natural state includes all earthly consciousness that still exist in oneness with mother earth such as plants animals, amoebas, etc.  They exist because they exist and don’t analyze the why of things.  Humans on the other hand, are different from any other species, rock or natural thing on earth. We are wrought with existential angst due to our group focus on experiencing ourselves through other.  The ego is the vehicle for that experience and no other creature on earth has created this form of consciousness.  Ponder that.  We are the only ones. I am not including extra terrestrials….. Let’s keep the focus on earth. The ego is designed to assist consciousness to observe itself through other.  What that focus has done is create a huge factory of inflexible black or white categorization – “you are either with me or you are not”.  The thought field that is generated as a result is generally about comparisons that look like opinions, judgement, complaints, blame etc. etc. etc.  Meanwhile, in the back ground your sensor is humming along doing what it naturally does.  But what it is picking up on is a field full of egoic thoughts that drown out any of the subtler vibrations of the natural kingdom.

Because we are picking up on the egoic thought field, but don’t realize it, a lot of our own issues generated by not feeling worthy on some level because of the nature of the egoic system that judges and categorizes, gets magnified by the collective ego.  When we complain, have opinions, judge or blame (partial list), it is because somewhere within us we feel inadequate or not valued by ourselves, others, or both.  These feelings become magnetized fuel for the collective field.  It is insidious.  It feels like our stuff but because it is magnetized by the collective opinions, judgments, complaints, and blame basically the unprocessed emotions of pain and shadow material floating around in the thought field, it sticks to us like glue.  It can make life feel overwhelming. It is often unbearable and really unpleasant.

The frequency boost this week was about clearing that stuff.  During this time of stress and unrest, the collective fears and uncertainties are running high.  Our sensor channels are getting overloaded, especially when we are not feeling grounded ourselves due to uncertainty and our own fears about survival.  When I first see a client, the first thing that happens is their channel clears.  Energetically this channel get’s clogged when there is unprocessed, in other words, un-grounded thoughts floating around in our energetic fields (See my blog on grounding) This process alone can help someone feel so much better.  Clearer.  Like they are back to who they remember being. This channel will, however, fill back up again if we do not deal with our covert destructive beliefs about self.  We will begin the process again of attracting the magnetize collective thoughts from the field.  Please don’t be disheartened though.  There are easy things we can do. 

For starters, once we know that we are susceptible to the collective human thought field, we can take comfort in knowing that it is not all ours!  Phew! Don’t believe everything you think or feel is yours!  There is a portion that is yours but a lot, if not most, is not yours!  The first easy thing you can do is to clear yourself.  The earth, being magnetic, is a transformer.  The material is actually magnetic in nature therefore you can ground it. 

To begin, put your bare feet directly on the earth.  If you are lucky to have a clean creek, river or pond nearby that will do as well. This exercise can be done indoors if necessary because wherever you place your feet on a solid platform, your feet are attached to the ground. Now picture your channel as a river of light starting at your shoulder in the back, running upwards past the back of your head and a couple of feet beyond your head.  What does the river look like in your mind’s eye? Are there areas in the river that look dense or dark?  Don’t be freaked out if the whole thing looks dark. Even log jams can be cleared. If you are not a visualizer, just run your hands parallel to one another up the back side of your head as far as you can reach above your head.  See if you can feel sensation between your hands that corresponds to the area where your hands are located.  It may feel tingly or dense or you just sense something different.  If you do sense something, you are noticing the stuck interference pattern. If you don’t feel or notice any of the above don’t worry.  We are just playing with senses. We don’t often play around this way and not everyone picks up on this stuff.  That’s ok.  You can still clear your channel.  And here’s how.  Take some deep breaths, again if the air quality is not good, don’t do this exercise outside.  Imagine a white horizontal light running up your back from your shoulders, up past your head.  Breath deeply.  As you exhale picture the light expanding within the channel and pushing any clogged material up the channel like a fresh and clear river of light flowing from the back side of your shoulders up a couple of feet past your head.  Repeat this process until you get the feeling that it is done.  Then go on about your day.  Doing this process in the shower is a great option.  If you happen to have some sea salt or Himalayan pink salt (not regular table salt) rub that on your shoulders, behind your neck and on the soles of your feet. It helps to ground you and neutralize any magnetism you may have picked up. We can use the earth to help us out.  So many people rely on the earth to re-calibrate and don’t even realize that is what they are doing. When we feel compelled to go outside for a walk, jog, hike or bike we are actually clearing our channel. Earth does this for us every day. It is constantly clearing the unique human child.

The second thing we can do is to clear ourselves is to begin the process of discovering what our diminishing covert beliefs are.  When they get neutralized then we become less magnetized by the collective. This exploration can seem impossible but there are always very obvious clues, starting with our bodies.  When we feel an emotion most likely we are also feeling it physically in a part of our body.  The first step is to notice what we notice.  In other words, what condition is our condition in?  How does this emotion make our body feel?  Just do your best.  In time it becomes easier if we really commit to the process of paying attention.  Once we notice it, we don’t need try to “fix” it.  Because there really is nothing to fix.  This is just a noticing.

There is an ancient Buddhist healing process called “Chöd” brought to public attention by a Buddhist scholar Tsultrim Allione.  She wrote a book about the Chöd healing process called “Feeding Your Demons”.  Chöd involves accepting willingly, what is undesirable and realizing that gods and demons are one’s own mind.  The process involves ruthlessly severing self-centered arrogance through an understanding of the sameness of self and others.  It is a noticing of the folly of the mind.  Instead of resisting and repelling the parts that we don’t like about ourselves, we move towards the demons and feed ourselves to them.  Ultimately this boils down to accepting our demons for what they are. No-thing. They are figments of mass imagination that have nothing to do with our actual Being.  They have power over us because we believe the fiction to be real rather than story.  And we have been indoctrinated by the system that created them.  To dis-empower them is to notice them for the fiction they are and love them like you would a really good story.  And then go home. This is not about belittling and taunting them by saying “Oh! You are just fake! Go away!”  It is about observing them through the neutral eye with a touch of innocence. Like noticing and observing something you have never seen before. Just look at the beliefs with wonderment and curiosity but no judgement, It may take time for you to become neutral. Just keep at it. There is something about the act of witnessing that has transformative properties.

This gets me to the second aspect of this month’s frequency boost. Many indigenous cultures have spoken of this time as the “Great Awakening”.  We are in it.  The earth is going through a rapid transformation that started as a slow evolution when the earth was forming to a level of consciousness that is multiplying exponentially with complexity at googolplex sophistication.  We only need to look as far as our phones to see what has transpired in a short 35 years.  Information and layers of complexity are coming at us at break speed. It is dizzying and dazzling at the same time. 

Our system of consciousness is at its terminus precisely because complexity is outstripping our capacity to deal.  Things are about to change.  We are about to get a new operating system. Deep down I think we all know it.  Stagnation is a form of agony.  This system of consciousness limits freedom of creation on so many levels it is staggering.  The time has come for us to act from our Being rather than being what we are acting.  Being has no script.. All That Is is a massively creative entity beyond comprehension. On the little level we can get what All This Is is about. We are a creative reflection of the universe at large  “As above so below”.  We exist to be creators and at the core we create because it brings us value fulfillment.  When the system limits value fulfillment, then it won’t be tolerated by All That Is.  All That Is is in the process of evolving this reality. Actually it has always been evolving but the speed to which this evolvement is occurring is now quantum.

This rapid transformation is requiring us to adapt in ways that feel akin to an emergency situation where our house is on fire and we are being forced to act from survival instinct to find a way out rather than through logic.  We are being called back to feeling and sensing.  To do this however requires that we engage and act from the heart.  The heart is the next frontier.  It is the next level of complexity to which we must adapt.  It’s truest essence it is not caught up in the egoic thought field.  This means we are going to have to purge the egoic field to make way for the new human who is centered in the heart - Homo Sanctus.

Right now the purging of the old system is happening through all of us.  All the shadow material is being uprooted with all its dusty air from the collective.  We are making way for the new human consciousness coming our way. So it behooves you to do your work. Catch yourself when you start to complain, blame, judge, victimize etc.. The list is long, but we know what our particular familiar flavor is. Whether we like it or not, our tribal, collective sensors are processing the collective dust of duality and bringing it out for light to shine on it. This includes our stuff! When we know that this is what is going on, we can do something about it.  Clear our channels regularly!  Eventually our channels will not have to be cleared because they will bill unencumbered by toxic thought fields. In the meantime. - Clear! Clear! Clear!

The second part of this month’s frequency boost has to do with the Great Awakening.  The Great Awakening is really about our frequency changing.  We are skipping to a new radio station with a new operating system and creative intention that is more in alignment with value fulfillment and authentic being and some other cool stuff.  This awakening is going to come about rather quickly through a mutation in our DNA.  This mutation is going to show up in the children of our children.  The Universe is directing things more than we know.  In the meantime, we humans are clearing the collective, whether we perceive it or not, in order to create a clear path for this new frequency to take hold.  It is akin to weeding the garden to clear the space for the new growth to flourish unencumbered. The new frequencies are here but there is still a lot of static in the air.  This month’s  boost besides clearing our channel introduced us to these new frequencies.  A taster of sorts of what’s to come. You may notice it within your dreams as unusual insights or you may notice calm.


Minny Purinton