The Proliferation of Conspiracy Truthers: What This Says About Us

Dear Beautiful Souls

Have you noticed that there is a proliferation of conspiracies circulating on Social Media? These stories are gaining traction. They are oh so compelling. Why? Right now for many, reality on earth is not so fun. The short answer is because the world is changing and the 99% are not going to tolerate oppression any longer. Conspiracies serve to give the little guy/gal a sense of control in a world that seems unfair, unjust, untrustworthy, cruel and basically too hard to exist in. It provides a platform to vent the feeling of helplessness towards a system that appears to not respect us. Conspiracies serve to provide hope and a felt sense of control and vindication for being misunderstood, disrespected and undervalued.

But here’s what the Conspiracy Mill is not doing. It is not encouraging us to look internally for the beliefs about self that are perpetuating victim hood in the exterior world. Conspiracies serve to place the issue outside of ourselves as victims of the unjust system. They perpetuate a feel good venue, complete with “alternate truths”, that puts us in the control seat of knowing the “real” truth, the real story about the manipulative world agenda. Unfortunately latching onto conspiracies takes the focus outwardly i.e. what humanity is doing to us, when really, the struggle originates internally in each and every one of us and then gets projected outwardly. We take for granted that we are Creators. What appears outwardly physically and psychically is a manifestation of our collective inner beliefs. Many of these beliefs are diminishing beliefs about self, for example worthiness. These beliefs then get reinforced by everyone else’s diminished beliefs about self. You may be reacting to what I just said but bare with me.

Nobody wants to believe that each and every one of us is responsible for creating this system. What we don't understand is how our systems get created in the first place. It starts with really taking on the idea that we are creators. What starts as an internal thought gets projected outwardly into physical form. The implications are that our attitude and health about creating really does count.

Let’s delve a little deeper. Everything that we consider “truth” are really beliefs. Consciousness is perpetually creating itself through imagination into a material form. Structures are then built around these beliefs and gain mass momentum and seeming validity as the true state of things. We don’t get how malleable these structures are because we box ourselves in with the limited scope of our beliefs. We identify beliefs as truths rather than created concepts of individual and mass consciousness born from indoctrination by society, family and ancestry. Everything our parents or society has told us is based on passed down belief about how the world is suppose to work. It is a brain washing of sort. We are born into societal structures. Depending on where we were born within these societal structures affects how we think about the world and to a great extent influences our imagination without us even knowing it. It’s unavoidable. We are told who we are before we even have a chance to discover who we are for ourselves because the structures manipulate our very thoughts from the get go. Our family reinforces it, our society reinforces it. Even our DNA is complicit. The study of epigenetics suggests that even your genes are altered by our parents emotional state (thus their beliefs) at conception. These beliefs then get passed down the line through our DNA and stack up with all the other gene alterations that came before us. So on one level, we are our ancestors. We are a composite of all the beliefs that came before us. That is why two people can look at the same situation and have completely different biological and emotional reactions, based on what beliefs are encoded in one’s genes. There is also our specific soul that plays into our personality but the intelligent body influences us tremendously.

What we imagine is often only limited by our deeply ingrained, and often diminishing, beliefs about reality and self. Remember, for the longest time the world was flat. That was considered a certified truth (and still is by some people). What we consider as truths are emotions materialized into form out of internal beliefs on an individual and mass level. These beliefs are then interpreted as “the true” state of things when really it is just agreed upon fiction based on what we truly want to believe and want others to believe too.

There are as many beliefs out there as there are grains of sand. The problem arises when one group decides their belief is better than another group’s beliefs. And then the one group says “our beliefs are the truth and the other group say “no” ours is the truth. So if the exterior world is a reflection of our internal beliefs, should we not be taking a look at the beliefs that are perpetuating an unjust system? And if we do take responsibility then what does that mean? It means we have to look at our own indoctrination and our own beliefs. In particular our beliefs that are diminishing to self and others. Yuk! Who wants to do that! Conspiracies are easier and frankly, addictive for that very reason. It externalizes us so that we don’t have to look inward at our pain.

As I mentioned, conspiracies, like anything else in the material world, are inward emotions formed from beliefs, materialized into the outward world. Conspiracies are based on distrust of the system, sinister intent, classic good vs evil. We have created this outward focus as an experiment to see ourselves objectively however what it has done is garnered a “who’s up, who’s down perspective” creating a lot of pain in the process.

As Creators, and that is what we are, this is a problem. To use the metaphor of the child using it’s hand as a gun with one finger pointed forward at the perpetrator - That is us right now. We are pointing our loaded finger, our awareness, outward to the perpetrator without acknowledging our role in creating the perpetrator. What we are choosing to ignore is the three fingers pointed back at us! It’s time to change that and acknowledge our own little contribution to the outward dysfunction in the world . What is our little sliver of responsibility? We have been waiting for ourselves way too long! Now is the time to dismantle the myth.

On the level of mass consciousness what conspiracies speak to is the distrust within the individuals that make up the mass consciousness. The world is unsafe. We are victims. The world is evil and we are unworthy because why else would we be so screwed over? Obsessive focus on conspiracies is a crisis of identity; a misunderstanding of who we are. The unjust system reflects back mass internal beliefs about worthiness to exist. Fill in the blank - I am not smart enough, I am the wrong race, I am the righteous race, I am stupid, I am unattractive, I am unsafe, I am unlovable, I am disrespected, I am disrespectful, I am untrusting, I am supreme (even visions of grandeur have a wound associated with it)… etc, etc. etc. If we do not feel safe or valued by the exterior world it is because internally we do not feel safe or valued. Almost all of us have self worth issues. And because we have lost our connection to being a member of the natural kingdom. (See my blog on Grounding), we perpetuate a general state of unworthiness. The rest of the earth kingdom does not have worthiness issues. That is why it is important for us to spend time in nature in order to be bathed in it’s neutrality. Our batteries are constantly being drained by our ego state and time in nature fills us back up. Nature also subtly reminds us of our original state of “being” . In our cells we still remember that state. That is why we also revere other spiritual sages over the the centuries that have embodied this state because it reminds us that it is possible to exist in the present without agenda, defense or fear.

The way we are going to influence mass consciousness is by changing ourselves first. This is done by each one of us doing our work. This means we start by breaking ourselves of the habit of latching onto sensational stories. Recognize that this is the pain body acting out on a mass scale. Become neutral. Next we must also begin the process of clearing ourselves of diminishing beliefs that do not serve self, the whole, or the heart, so that we can fully connect to the natural vibratory state of Earth. These beliefs are out of alignment with Nature and Earth.

We have created a deep disconnect between us and the natural world. The Earth does not judge. A tree does not judge. An animal does not judge. The natural kingdom is not in disharmony! But my friends we are! We humans are the only species that exists on Earth that is out of alignment with the predominant state of “Being” on Earth. This disunity cannot be sustained or tolerated anymore. The Earth is an alive aware being and She is evolving. If we want to be in sync with Her we have to do our work now.

The good news is as a mass human consciousness many of us are done with this fear and loathing chapter. We have gotten as much out of this evolutionary phase as is possible. Now it is time to move on. At this point we will either get it or we won’t. We as souls incarnating into the Earth game are at the choice point. We can incarnate back into this earth system if we are ready to move with her to the next level. Those of us who are not ready to shed our wounds will incarnate with their collective wound of indoctrination and the “whose up” and “whose down” reality within another system of reality similar to the level that earth is now leaving. It will be a system that is still working through the polarity lens.

We will either recognize consciously our role as Creators and take our responsibility to create through the being of our hearts unencumbered by indoctrination, fear and loathing, or we won’t. Earth however, is moving on.

I am going to remind us of some things. We are Beloved creations of All That Is. We would not exist if we were not brought into existence with exuberance . All That Is, with intense focus, only creates what brings complete fullfilment, otherwise it wouldn’t happen. That is you. We are eternal. We cannot be destroyed. Our souls are pure awareness. Like the Creator, we are creators. We’ve been born and died in this Earth realm hundreds if not  thousands of times in order to experience and create within physicality. We choose physicality in order to have an experience and to progress as an aware being. We go in with Amnesia. Why? Because if we came in remembering who we are, we wouldn’t want to be here and the lessons would not challenge us in the same way. This is advanced PhD school. It’s not for beginners! We have done this countless numbers of times.

Maybe it’s time to lighten up! This realm is improvisational psychic theater but it is "NOT" who we are. We are “awareness” having a physical experience. We are getting caught up in the role rather than paying attention to the "Being" behind the actor. There is a You of you that is aware and knows no opposite. This You is pure presence, although it would not classify itself as such because it would not even conceive of classifying itself as presence. It does not exist in a dual space where it observes and compares itself. It is more like a tree or a flower experiencing its existence just because it exists. We may find it hard to believe but that is the eternal You. We can access that You within the Earth story but we have to get out of our way in order to do so. The biggest obstacle is having forgotten where we came from and why we are here. We have fallen hook line and sinker for the dualistic world view that has created comparison and a huge disconnect from the You that is the anchor to our true eternal identity.

We do not have to live by comparison. And now more than ever it is time to stop doing this. Our right to exist on earth demands immediate action! The hitch is we need to do our work. We must start to disengaging from the egoic, neurotic monkey mind and the beliefs associated with it. If we do this, we won’t take the theater and all of it’s folly so seriously. We need to stop believing that the story is our existence. For example, when we go to the movies or to a play, we get fully engrossed in the story. We feel as though we are in it. We are having an experience of the story. At the same time we are aware that the story is not us. We just entered into it’s creative force for just a moment to have an experience. Well that’s us on earth on a bigger scale. We are experiencing the play of life with it’s cast of characters and story lines created by Us! We are entering the earth story in order for our awareness to have an experience, an adventure of sorts and for our eternal awareness to learn and progress using physicality. But the story is not Us!

The dual state has been a grand experiment in consciousness however we are at unprecedented time where it is essential for us to reconnect to the natural state of our existence which in this realm means we rejoin the earth tribe to be in flow rather than opposition to Earth. How do we do this? As I mentioned, our reality consists of emotions solidified. Whatever we solidify can be clear and vibrant, free of self limiting beliefs, or dull from diminished beliefs about self. It’s up to us! We are the creators. We create what we focus on. We materialize our emotions into form. We create our reality. Implications? We better be crystal clear what we choose to believe about our selves and others because it will be actualized into the external world in a mass conscious morphic field. The most impactful thing we can give ourselves right now is Ourselves. The Us of us. Why? Because the Us Of us is connected to the natural vibratory state of the Earth, not in opposition. Earth needs our cooperation if we want to stay in the game and use this realm as a platform to have learning experiences.

Let’s make it our mission to accept our sovereign uniqueness just as a tree, bird or flower does without even thinking about it. This does not mean that we condone behavior that hurts others. It does mean we stop comparing ourselves to the mass conscious ganglion of diminishing beliefs about self that make us think that this is the true nature of things, rather than an agreed upon mass imagination. It also means that we stop giving weight to the stories swirling around us right now related to the “real truth”. Do theses stories actually make us feel better about the world or make us more disgusted with humanity? It is time to question what we get out of the stories. Do they bring us up or take us down? Now is the time to see this proliferation for what it is - A wake up call to do our work! It’s time to go internal. I’ll admit this is not an easy ask. Oppression is fiercely expressed within humanity. Many of us are in such pain that doing this work is nearly impossible. However, there are many of us who are ready. This is who I am speaking to. We“get” that things are not working. Our hearts are screaming for another way. The more of us that are willing and able to take ourselves “on” will change the very fabric of mass consciousness from polarity to flow. But how?

It means we delve into some of our unprocessed beliefs. Or it means we simply decide to honor ourselves by taking a moment every day to give ourselves as much love as we would to a loved one, animal, place or loved thing. Try it. Bring that Beloved into focus. Feel the love that you feel for this Beloved. Once you have conjured the feeling now turn that feeling towards yourself. How does it feel? Can you receive it? It may all of a sudden feel uncomfortable. That uncomfortableness is an indication that there are diminishing beliefs lurking in the background. Meanwhile, scan your body. Sense where you notice the block or sensations that are created by you turning “adoration” towards yourself. This is where the belief(s) are affecting your physicality. Now just notice the sensation. Don’t try to fix anything. Say hello and just give that spot love like you would your Beloved human, pet or thing (where I live it would be a bike). Practice doing this as much as possible. Don’t worry. There is no right way. This is a process of inquiry and curiosity. All is good. We are using a muscle that we haven’t used in awhile.

Or try this. When you get hooked and become reactive to something, step back and ask yourself “what is this hook about?” Ask to be shown. You may or may not get an answer but it is worth a try. When these moments come up, keep trying. Ask to be shown. Even if nothing shows up that is OK. Just try every time you happen to notice being hooked. Then regardless of whether you discover what the hook is, picture a positive image from nature. It could be a bear, bee, stone, rock, tree, river, mountain - whatever makes you feel good. It’s your imaginative world. Notice how that image makes you feel - peaceful, serene, happy? While noticing the sensation of the feeling, try to merge your consciousness with the image. What? Humor me. Just be playful for a moment. See what it is like to enter into a bear or go to the heart of a mountain. Use your imagination. How does it make you feel? You may be surprised where you go. What’s important is that whatever image that you come up with has a vibratory frequency that is available to help you heal from your diminishing belief(s).

If any of you have read some of my other blogs you know that I like to hug trees and I’m proud of it. I take lots of walks in the forest. Often I will use a tree to ground myself when I am feeling off or out of sorts. I literally picture myself entering the tree and going down into its roots. Sometimes I poke around in the the middle or top part of the tree. It’s fun but you know what? I feel a heck of a lot better after I have done this little play around. Our logical mind might say “Well what is the point of this? This isn’t real.” The point is nothing is real! It is all imagination created by, and sanctioned by us! However, by having the experience of imagining ourselves within some other conscious being’s existence, we get a new and different perspective that just might be helpful and healing. Keep in mind all physical materialization come from an imagined sourceless source including that chair you are sitting in to read this blog. Everything material started as an invisible thought that gained traction through the intensity of the idea. So let’s go play with our creativity in new ways. We might be pleasantly surprised.

Chances are If you have read this far, you are ready. As Creators, if our strong intent is focused on, the resources will show up in our lives to assist us. We are Sovereign Beings of the Universe. We are worthy. The felt sense of our own unique beatitude is patiently awaiting us. All the inequities in the world would dissolve if those of us that are willing and capable (and that is a lot of us) were able to dive into our own unprocessed beliefs about self and do something about it. It’s time to give those beliefs the loving kiss goodbye. Please stop believing everything you think! If we do this, we will find a peace that cannot be moved by any mass conscious storm raging around us. We would be unflappable!

If we want to continue to play the Earth game, we must un-tether ourselves from the predominant mass consciousness ball. We must create another one in flow and alignment with the true nature of our existence. We are headed that way anyway so why not be proactive? Why prolong the pain? This will happen when enough of us decide enough is enough and commit to doing the work. From our own personal act of love towards self we can create a mass consciousness in harmony. This seems like a more worthy focus of our time and energy than consuming the psychic junk food of the fake pandemic, 5G cover up, take down of the elite cabal pedophilia ring. That is a dead end born of the current dying paradigm. Awareness abhors stagnation.


APRIL 19, 2020

Minny Purinton