Through The Objective Eye

Hello Exquisite Soul,


Through The Objective Eye

This month’s frequency boost is about helping clear blocks related to self-limiting beliefs.  This boost will help facilitate this clearing.  Think of it as a little like getting a pass to go to the front of a line that you have been standing in for a very long time.  This clearing of the collective thought field is happening whether we like it or not, or whether we realize it or not.  Astrologically the Aquarian age is upon us.  It operates at a different frequency than the Piscean age, from which we are transitioning out of.  It is like changing radio stations from heavy metal to easy listening.  Many of us might say “Well I like my heavy metal. Don’t take my heavy metal.”  Unfortunately, it is not up to us.  We sit on a little blue ball in a grand universe and we can’t just get off the ball when we don’t like where it is headed. 

The change of position means we have a different frequency field starting to influence us, similar to being in the shade and moving into the sun.  Nobody likes change, especially when it seems like we don’t have a choice.  Let’s just say, we do have a say even when it seems like we don’t.  We can still play our heavy metal but eventually it is really going to start hurting our ears and the collective “we” will want to turn it off.  So heavy metal and its loud raucous discordant twanging is naturally being replaced by a coherent frequency that does not oppose itself.  It’s a little like flowing with the river, rather than swimming against the current.  And this new music is not the same kind of irritating easy listening that we might find in the dentist office or when we get put on hold with our insurance company.  It is the kind of music that we are compelled to listen to naturally, because it fills us with something magnificent that is undeniable and unexplainable.  Remember, I am talking frequency.  Frequency has its own kind of music.  Our essence, that is not readily obvious, recognizes this shift in frequency.   However, in order to really listen to this new music, we have to get rid of the interference patterns from the old heavy metal paradigm. These discordant patterns are in essence false beliefs about self that keep us stuck in the patterns that don’t encourage our natural talents to soar, and be offered to the world.

During the boost, I saw our group Avatar taken into the center of the energetic earth and placed within a brilliant indigo Merkabah.  A Merkabah is the geometric structure of all light bodies.  It looks like a three-dimensional star of David.  In ancient Jewish Mysticism that pre dates Jesus, the Merkabah was believed to be the vehicle used for consciousness to travel to other realities by transcending time and space.  In the more recent New Age thought, learning to activate your Merkabah is a prerequisite for ascension to a new 5th dimensional frequency.  My view is ascension is not what happens when we learn how to activate our Merkabahas. That approach is often coming from an intellectual intention - “if you do this, then this will happen” reducing it to a technique. Ascension is an internal process that happens when we do our work to deal with our shadow thoughts and emotions.  When we make a commitment to do this work, then a shift in perspective occurs that allows us to view our universe from a more objective point of view rather than a subjective point of view.  From there, if the committed work is done, our frequency goes through the stratosphere.

It is a lack of perspective that keeps us locked in the physical dimension in the same old, same old way. It is our thoughts and how we use them that allow us to enter or not enter the inner dimensional world that is outside of time and space.  If we are experiencing our thoughts subjectively, in other words when our subconscious thoughts about self are running the show, like puppets we are living our lives controlled by undesirable emotions that are provoked by our indoctrinated thoughts.  The box is very small and tight. 

When we shift from being subjective to objective, we “see” the thoughts that keep us in a holding pattern, through a different eye.  We can make different choices from a place of objective neutrality.  From the objective perspective, we can develop an open mind that is not limited by a narrow, subjective range of thoughts. The world becomes seemingly magical. A whole host of possibilities appear when we let ourselves out of the box.  It is because we have forgotten objectivity, which is really the wise part of our being outside of time and space, that we have a hard time accessing our full creative potential. Objectivity is a subtle voice that needs space to be heard.  When we do give it space, things become miraculous and unbelievable.  Really, things seem magical and unbelievable when it happens now because we have forgotten that the normal state of the universe is unobstructed imagination and brilliance.

Objectivity makes us available to new possibilities because it sees through stagnant thought patterns.  From the objective view we can make changes accordingly from a more neutral place.  From the objective eye, different choices can be made. When we make changes because of objectivity, imagination (which by the way exists outside of time and space) goes to town manifesting our wildest dreams because we are not held back by emotional trauma, dogma and restrictive, self-limiting rules of engagement within the physical realm.  When we access objectivity, we become more flexible and open to possibilities. If anyone has taken a dive into my website one will discover that a big part of my work with clients is to open them up to objectivity.

Now back to the Mekabah.  As mentioned above, the Merkabah only activates on its own as a result of a shift in consciousness, not the other way around.  It is the by-product of the increased frequency of consciousness that happens when out of love for self, we commit to shedding our shadow frequencies of the ego.  By us entering the earth’s Merkabah, we enter a consciousness that already has an activated Merkabah.  The earth has a level of consciousness much greater than our own even if we are a part of her.  She is not restricted by the vibrational density of the physical plain like we are because she is not hamstrung by the ego of her children.  She has full access to her multidimensionality. By diving into her center, we are vibrationally getting an infusion of vibrational blood to the appendage in need, in this case humanity.  By entering into her field of consciousness, we get a super charge that will naturally inspire us to do our work to free ourselves from the subjective thought field of mass consciousness.  This field is rife with our ancestral DNA coding of trauma, our current trauma, our indoctrination into societal norms, our dogma, our dos and don’ts, our shame, our guilt, our worthlessness, and the list goes on.  So, for this month, let’s get clear on our intentions.  What do we wish to transform for ourselves?  What do we desire for ourselves?  This is about us and us only. This is not about setting an intention for someone else to change.  Take just a moment to contemplate these two questions then let them go.  Have faith that our consciousness has put the ball in motion, and that it just got super charged by the earth’s Merkabah.  We will receive the right guidance for our next move that helps us enter the river of flow rather than opposition.

In addition, indigo blue is a highly transformational frequency color.  When blue shows up, be prepared for turbo transformation!  Take advantage of this month’s boost so ultimately, we won’t have to live in the frequency of Heavy Metal.  But hey, if that is where we want to stay, so be it. The ball is going to keep rolling into Aquarius and we can become a strangers in a strange land or not. Our choice.

Minny Purinton