The Pentakis Dodecahedron

Stillpoint Transformation October 2020 Frequency Boost

InkedPentakis Dodecahedron 4.jpg

This month’s powerful frequency boost is about facilitating the loosening up and/or clearing out (if you are ready) of belief patterns that weigh us down and impede healing, wellness, balance, clarity and purpose. 

It is hard to maintain the afore mentioned states when we are weighted down with the baked-on plaque of overt and covert, self diminishing beliefs buried in our conscious and subconscious minds.  This plaque equates to a dense frequency that impedes the free flow of our consciousness to explore the world unimpeded.  Beliefs are just that – Beliefs.  They are not facts.  They are agreed upon fiction that we assume are true because someone in a position of power told us, in so many ways, when we were very, very young and suggestible that the world was a certain way.  We then form our experiences based on these so-called truths about the world and act accordingly.  This is a simplification, however deep down we know we are held hostage by unwanted thoughts driven by deep seated beliefs about our worlds. To make matters worse. Our beliefs about the world attract experiences that confirm our beliefs.

Let me remind you that there are as many beliefs out there as there are grains of sand.  How many parents with their own childhood wounding, within the structures of their own socio, political, religious structures have told their children this is who they are and this is how it is?  Aaaah……. like everyone on planet Earth!  So which beliefs are the right ones?  That kind of question is precisely the problem.  Deep down we just can’t help asking it because we want to be assured that our belief structure is safe and the righteous one.  A question such as this leads us down the rabbit hole of polarity as to who’s right and who’s wrong. Who’s safe to trust, who isn’t etc.. Ultimately, we can’t escape the box of our worldview and our wounding. In the end this means that all of us get denied and dismissed either by ourselves, as our own worst enemy, or by someone else.  And who are the victims of all of this? Us - our own psyches and our own bodies. Presently our world is choked by our do’s, don’ts, shoulds, maybes, and horrifyingly, who is superior and who is inferior. These rules of engagement are all dictated by our diminishing beliefs or more precisely, the wounding from our diminishing beliefs. 

On top of that, we operate within a very tight box of our beliefs.  It is a closed system influenced by our limited belief structures.  Imagine if we only had one room to explore our entire life.  Well in a matter of speaking, that is what we are doing as we hang out in our belief structures.  The Universe is infinitesimally more grand than that.  We have only begun to scratch the surface as to what is available to us.  It is only limited by our own ability to dream up what’s possible.  Right now, our dreams are hobbled by our limited beliefs.  After all, we are Creators. All we need to do is look around and see that this is correct.  But what are we not creating? What is being hampered by our beliefs? When we detach ourselves from needing to believe in the dominant worldview, and replace it with just being available in the present, a magical world unfolds that is curious, abundant in untold opportunities, is peaceful and secure in it’s not needing to have an answer. There is no judgement in the present. You are just being. When we don’t yearn for for the need to know, we open ourselves up to many more possibilities to choose from. If we replace the need to know with curiosity and a question such as - “I wonder what’s possible?, the question allows for input from the Creative Universe that may have been way outside our wheel house before. This kind of question is a “yes” to the Universe.

In light of the current circumstances on Earth, those of us with the privelage to be able to explore our beliefs should be taking a good look at ourselves and how we have helped mold the world in which we live. In helping clear the plaque so to speak, I am not saying that this month’s boost waves a magic wand and clears our undesirable beliefs. No. Ultimately, we must be available for our own course corrections.  We have to want it.  By signing up to the monthly frequency boost we are saying we are available to make shifts in our lives to get us on a more free flowing path.  When I say that the frequency boost is helping to loosen up the plaque, this means that a channel is being created for us to objectively look at our stuff rather than living it subjectively.  It does not mean that the boost is doing the work for us.  We still have to do the work - to examine our beliefs about self and others.  It is us who has to choose whether we want to make changes, or not and how our beliefs are impacting us and others. What this boost will do is help us see the patterns through more of an objective eye. A bird’s eye view of sorts.  A higher perspective.  When we stop believing and identifying with everything that we think is true, then a flow starts to happen where possibilities that were previously not available, start to present themselves as options because we have expanded our box by not identifying with our beliefs.   

This month, I saw our group avatar go into what is called a Pentakis Dodecahedron filled with shimmering, spiraling rainbow diamond light.  I had to look the image up because I had no idea what to call this geometry.  It is a powerful configuration of directed light frequency emanating from 32 vertices.  For whatever reason (cuz I never know what is going to show up when I dive in), this configuration appeared as the wowie light tool of transformation this month. 

The Pentakis Dodecahedron is the 5th Dimensional frequency configuration of a 3rd Dimensional pyramid. So if any of you have spent any time around pyramids, the emanations from a pyramid in 3rd Dimensional reality, translates to the Penatkis configuration in the 5th Dimensional reality. Dimensions exist in composite realities that contain many multitudes of dimensions of similar frequencies (parallel universes). These composites are called “Densities”. 5th Density reality is a quality of consciousness that experiences itself as unified rather than polarized. 5th Density consciousness is pure presence. It is vibrating within the frequency of unconditional love and unencumbered creativity. The 3rd Density reality is comprised of consciousness perceiving space and time and duality - us and them. We are not just in the 3rd Dimension within the 3rd Density however. Whether we realize it or not, we are operating multidimensionally from the frequency of our Personal-Self all the way to our Meta-Self and beyond to Source. It is a matter of how aware that we are of operating multidimensionally and how well our consciousness can take advantage of this awareness.

Some of the higher Densities of awareness are not meant to be experienced in this reality. To put it bluntly, it would blow our 3D circuitry to smithereens. Whoah! Let’s come back from the edge for just a moment. In our 4th Dimensional reality within the 4th Density, we engage in such things as meditation, dreams, intuition and imagination, creativity, lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, channeling higher selves, shamanism etc. It is governed by the heart chakra.

The 5th Density awareness is the highest level of an individual’s personality. It is the soul manifesting into reality. We can access past, present and future timelines simultaneously. The 5th Density is where “Unity Consciousness” is experienced. This awareness can be brought down into a 3rd Density state of consciousness. Very few people maintain this level of consciousness within the human body other than as a fleeting moment of heightened awareness. The 5th Density corresponds to the throat chakra. It is about communicating and conveying with a coherent emanation from a 5th Density reality. The frequency of 5th Density worlds is so coherent that it causes the 3rd and 4th Density worlds to resonate on a mass level with the wisdom imparted from this 5th Density realm. Those of our 5th Dimensional Density consciousness who have come to Earth are considered Ascended Masters. Christ and Buddha are examples of Ascended Masters.

But let’s be clear. There is not one Dimension of reality that is better than another. Our dualistic minds like to categorize. All Densities, and the dimensions within, are here for us to have an experience with and to learn from. Each and every one of us has 5th Dimensional awareness within us. Ascended Masters remind us of what we are capable of. They also help remind us to remain humble; to patiently harvest the fruits while experiencing the 3rd and 4th Dimensions as innocent learners. Hence the amnesia.

The Pentakis Dodecahedron is a gift I received from an unexpected moment of grace tricking down from the 5th, 4th to the 3rd Dimensions. I hope it will help us navigate with more ease through the waters of the physical and emotional plains. If you are someone who meditates, I suggest using your imagination to place yourself within the Pentakis Dodecahedron configuration when you dive in. You might discover some new things.

As far as self care is concerned, please stay well hydrated. If you can, consciously link with the center of Mother Earth to ground whatever thoughts no longer serve you and get out in Nature!  Mother Earth is the Mother Grounder. As a living breathing consciousness, she is moving and changing as well and really needs us to do the same. She actually is relying on us to ground this stuff because we are the only incoherent frequency of all her children. We can see what kind of stress this is doing to the system. When we link with Her by going out in nature, we are actively affirming our connection to the whole of Gaia. So go hug a tree and don’t feel weird about it. Take your shoes off and run through the grass, sit on a rock, place your bare feet in a stream, jump in the ocean. Do whatever it takes. Now is the time, more than ever, to move this stuff.  Beliefs take up a tremendous amount of space on our hard drives. Especially in these times when it is hard to know what’s up or down, our grounding comes from our presence more than our beliefs. Our beliefs, some beneficial, some not, do not always add value to our lives. The not so beneficial ones place us in positions of feeling superior or inferior, fearful, guilty, shameful, angry, scared, resentful, outraged, and the list goes on. Secondly, diminishing beliefs put a tremendous amount of stress on our beloved biological vehicles. Cultivating presence is our new frontier and it requires that we do the work and show up and look in the far corners, rain or shine. May we flourish!

Stillpoint Transformation Frequency Boosts happen on the first Monday of every month. Come join the group Avatar by going to You will find a link to sign up at the botton of each page.


Minny Purinton