The Swan Signet

Some of you have commented that you have not heard from me for a few months.  Please know that I do not always write about Stillpoint Transformation’s monthly frequency boost in my blog.  This does not mean the monthly frequency boosts are not happening.  Rest assured they are!  Often the boost involve a lot of clearing work which does not require me to write about in a blog. Occasionally a boost comes along that I am compelled to write about.

Also keep in mind, that when you as an individual sign up for this boost, you join a potent avatar, a single entity of sorts, that is made up of a multidimensional consciousness that is greater than the individuals within the group. On one level, this avatar consciousness is attuned to the intents of the individuals within the group and at the same time is a whole new alchemy that arises when a group combines itself for the greater good of all.  The positive shifts we desire can be accelerated even more as more individuals join the avatar.  So I encourage you to tell your friends.  The larger the group, the more potent the avatar. 

Please know I will never pepper you with emails.  I may send out a reminder of the boost and perhaps an email with a link to a blog associated with the takeaway from the boost. And that’s it.

Now on to the boost….

This month’s boost held a surprise for me.  Well….the boosts are always surprising because I never know where the group will go, however this boost had a very simple and specific message. I saw the group enter into a swan and merge with the swan’s heart.  I saw another swan emerge that faced the other like in the above picture.  There was an exchange of light between the two swans and that was it.

I had to feel into this one. On one level what I saw was cliche. We’ve all seen pictures of swans forming the shape of a heart. But I had to ask myself what was the significance of this? It compelled me to look up the meaning of the Swan Totem?  I was curious as I did not know what Swan Medicine was about. I referred to the “go to” book “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews as a starting point. 

A totem is an object or animal believed by particular societies to contain a spirit being that serves to communicate it’s intrinsic “knowing” to the group and therefore assists the group. When creatures show up in obvious ways either physically, or in this case, in the unseen field of awareness, this is the time to pay attention to the significance of this creature.  So here is the message from Swan.

First off, Swan is one of the most powerful and ancient totems that exists. The swan represents the watery field of emotions.  When Swan shows up it signifies becoming more sensitive to the emotional field of ourselves and that of others.  In many places around the world, emotions are seen as a bad thing.  Emotions characteristically are held in check with a psychic dams meant to contain the emotional trauma and pain many of us have stuffed away.  Unprocessed emotion, like water with no place to go, stagnates and leads to an unhealthy body and environment.  Swan medicine allows us to see our shadows with objectivity - to neither judge others or ourselves for expressing deep feelings. Swan medicine breaks the dam, so to speak, but like the swan gracefully moving through the water it glides with elegance attuned to our particular readiness to embrace our watery emotions. 

Only 10% of us reside in the present.  Mostly we respond and react to the present through the lens of our past.  Swan medicine helps us to be objectively present with these emotions. To see them with objectivity means we see our emotional reactions as remnants of our past wounds that really have no business hijacking our present. There is nothing lacking in the present moment. When we can see the emotions in the present moment we can let them run through and see them for what they are, wounds wishing to heal.

Swans also have beautiful long necks.  It is thought that symbolically the long neck is the bridge from the higher realms of consciousness with the body of the physical plane.  Swan medicine helps us to be at peace with ourselves – to realize our own true beauty.  This may all seem very feminine, emotions and beauty and such, however remember that swans are not all female otherwise there would be no swans.  Even male swans are graceful, elegant and beautiful.  We have come to a time where beauty is sovereign to anyone who chooses to embrace beauty from within and without.  It is not just the realm of the feminine.  What is beauty really but the absolute of being true to oneself.  It is less about what we look like physically and more about the bridge of the metaphorical masculine with the feminine and the feminine with the masculine and everything in between.  It is wholeness - being for the sake of being, and ultimately about self-love because you just are..  It is the bringing together of all the broken parts.  That is beauty.  Swan shows us the way. Swan transforms the small, broken clumsy into large, beautiful and graceful.  When we form a close loving bond with ourselves, then we effectively create the bridge to bond with others.  

Swans mate for life.  When Swan medicine arises, it is urging us to get in touch with ourselves.  Here are some words that are associated with Swan Medicine – Transformation, Peace, Tranquility, Union, Commitment, Innocence, Inner Beauty, Confidence, Strength, Self Esteem, and Grace…… May you flourish.


Minny Purinton