On The Back Of White Eagle

Hello Beautiful Souls,

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This week’s boost leaned in on a powerful frequency!  When the group avatar takes off, I delight in not knowing where we are going but I am always surprised.  This month was no exception.  Let me remind you that when I refer to “we” I am including those of you who have signed up to be part of the group avatar.  Though you may not be physically or consciously present for this experience, the fact that you signed up automatically includes an aspect of your multidimensional consciousness in this experience because you have consented to be included in the boost.  The boost can have positive ripple down effects on your emotional and physical wellbeing.  We are not separate.in the quantum field.

This month’s boost was spectacular.  We soared high in the sky on the back of a White Eagle.  Wow! Keep in mind that when I experience visions such as this, they are metaphors for powerful states of consciousness that do carry real frequency.  So how do you feel about Eagles?  There is so much potent material on shamanistic Eagle Medicine that I can’t cover it all.  I will touch on aspects of the medicine that I sense are vibrationally pertinent to this month’s boost. 

I was curious as to why the eagle was white.  In Native American traditions the white part of Bald Eagle feathers signifies the clouds, the heights, the ability to soar and have perspective of the big picture.  All white eagles are extremely rare on the physical plane.  Albino Eagles or Red Tail Hawks have been noted but the phenomenon is extraordinarily rare.  On the metaphysical plane, white eagles are known for bringing pure messages from the Divine.  Suffice it to say, the frequency associated with a white eagle is auspicious.  I interpret this as a rare window of opportunity and a sign to pay attention to the unique medicine within the frequency boost this month.

So, let’s feel into this.  An Eagle, let alone a White Eagle is meant to conger awe and wonder in those that experience the sight of such a bird.  Eagles are known to soar to great heights thus they have been associated with the fire of the sun and yet they are also creatures of the earth.  This means they have the ability to be messengers of the heavens and embody the frequency of the sun.  What does this mean?  Without the sun we would be dead right? The sun provides the fodder for creation on earth. But too much of a good thing can also be deadly.  You would not stay out in the Sun all day without sunscreen and bake yourself to a crisp, would you?  So, a messenger of the sun reminds us of the potency of this source of light and its ability to scorch us with too much of a good thing. Eagle represents new birth and creativity.  In a sense it is the birth of the inner child – innocent, curious, creative and full of wonder.  But a child also needs to be protected from getting too close to a camp fire lest it trip and fall in.  The merger of sun and earth is an alchemy of sorts that requires a willingness to tap into our potent creativity and passions with innocence but with balance so that we don’t get scorched by too much of a good thing, like too much dessert at the end of a good meal.

Bald Eagles are often associated with water. They represent the alchemy of grounding our emotions with creativity and are associated with the feminine.  The Golden Eagle, a land bird.  It is associated with the masculine and the sun because it can soar closest to the sun of any bird in the North American Continent.  Also, like the Bald Eagle, it has four toes which is a steady grounded platform for perching itself.  Alchemically and metaphorically the Golden Eagle is capable of grounding the creative forces of light from the heavens because of its association with the sun; the active doing principle of creation.  Since most of what I saw whilst on the back of this White Eagle were earthly scenes, not water, I concluded we were being shown the active masculine principles of the sun garnered from the vantage point of heightened perspective.  Are we meant to be actively grounding this creativity on earth right now?  Every big idea starts as an image or idea, a flash of light or inspiration, that seems to come out of nowhere.  The idea remains unmolded until we humans actively mold it into some physical form.

Since we soared over farm land, mountains and cities, some of which were dense impoverished communities, I concluded that part of the message being conveyed had to do with grounding unprecedented creativity onto earth in ways that we have never done before in order to deal with some of the world’s problems created by humans.  New innovation is going to help transform some of the harsher aspects of humanity on earth and that is what is being called for at this time. Remember, metaphorically we were on the back of a White Eagle. Solutions to the current world problems are not going to be solved using the current thinking.  It is going to require bold thinking outside the box, less perseverating over what might seem like impossible details, and taking leaps into the unknown with a felt sense of irresistible inspiration. The moment is ripe.

One last thing.  Before this journey was over, I experienced Whit Eagle taking us out into the heavens away from earth.  I saw a spectacular expansive array of stars and galaxy clusters.  I wondered why we were being taken here? What do the heavens represent? The heavens are quite mysterious and awe inspiring.  The heavens fill us with wonder just like the child is filled with wonder. We are never going to fully understand what the heavens are about even if we do manage to build a space ship that takes us to other solar systems.  The stars are meant to be mysterious, awe inspiring and spectacularly undefinable.  The breadth of the heavens can only be penetrated by our creative conscious imagination. 

So, by the eagle taking us up into the heavens, I sense it is a metaphorical reminder for us to use our creativity and passions to stretch out into the stars past our comfort zone into new and unexplored realms. We do not have to limit ourselves to that which we are familiar with, which our local sun metaphorically represents.  The sky is not the limit.  We are even bigger than that!   It requires a blind trust in not knowing what the outcome is going to be, but doing it anyway and trusting that we will not get burnt if we do it with calm, balance and perspective.  Some of the world’s biggest problems have been tackled by going out on a huge limb.  However, in this circumstance, it is not about going out on a limb.  It is about going out on a star and perhaps using consciousness to tap into stellar knowledge or advanced levels of consciousness.  They are out there.  Ask the military.  We are being called to be that bold and humanity is being called to task.  Do we want to live on this beautiful blue floating ball or not?  This is a call to be outrageously creative and passionate about whatever it is we do that is in service to us and others.  It doesn’t matter what it is.  To go out on a star requires abandoning what we think is possible and creating the impossible.  Somewhere in this Universal Play (Afterall this is soul school. Remember? Improvisational Psychic Theater), some Being naturally knows how to levitate, communicate telepathically, or view themselves through one mind.  Through belief in the existence of advanced knowledge we can tap into that knowledge simply by asking to be shown. It may show up in our dreams, it may spontaneously show up in a random thought. Go for it!

Stepping into the creative passionate unknown is a big ask of ourselves.  I sense that there are huge opportunities now available for us to really take our creative endeavors, our hopes and dreams, our passions our healing gifts beyond the stratosphere into the unknown and unknowable to a whole other level.  This requires bold, abandoned strokes of the paint brush.  In doing so we will be part of the solution to help solve some of humanity’s biggest problems that presently keep us from coexisting harmoniously with the rest of mother earth and her children. 

Eagles are symbols of tremendous power.  To accept the medicine of the Eagle is to take on the responsibility and power of becoming much more than you now appear.  Everything you say or do both positive and negative, will quicken.  To embody this medicine requires great responsibility.  Are you ready?  It’s ok if you are not.  Be honest with yourself. There is no judgement except perhaps from yourself. Nobody needs that!

Last month’s boost, which I did not write about due to other pressing family issues, was about entering into, and becoming the frequency of a seed.  A seed is raw potential.  It contains all of the inherent knowledge necessary to transform into something else without trying.  It just needs the right environment to form into its potential.  To access the frequency that Eagle medicine has to offer, we must be available to tap into our inherent nature.  Like the seed, tapping into Eagle has less to do with trying and more to do with cultivating the right environment and the rest will take care of itself.   

Taking advantage of the frequency of  Eagle also has to do with tapping into our intuition and acting on the most natural form of action on the planet our “instinct”.  Instinct is nature acting as itself just because that is what it is, “just being itself”.  Listening to our intuition means that we must cultivate ways to still (ground) ourselves so that we can pay attention to the inner voice when it speaks to us.  When we act on intuition it often strikes us somewhere in our body as a true knowing.  Pay attention to our body ques is key.  If it feels right, act.  If it doesn’t, don’t.

Cultivating trust in our ability to wallow in the unknown void of inspiration where the most potent creative endeavors reside, is a skill worth fostering.  If we are preoccupied, we are not available to pay attention to our intuition.  Learning how to slow down and be available is the first step.  It may mean paying particular attention to when we are not slowing down.  Slowing down may not actually be through the popular practice of meditation.  It may be through physical activity, singing, drawing, writing, hanging out with friends and sharing ideas etc..  But always try to carve out a moment of alone time.  Alone unscripted time is a perfect atmosphere for cultivating the art of contemplation.  Contemplation is like combining a relaxed mind with your active thoughts.  It is like hemi-syncing your right and left hemispheres in a perfect blend of mind relaxation and active listening to the creative unscripted voice.  It is not about solving the problems of the day or giving credence to the voice that wants you to multitask or tell you how you are falling short .  If that is what starts to happen get up and go take a walk.  Whatever you do, please do not make it a “should” and do not get down on yourself if you can’t calm your mind.  Don’t try to be anything than what you are at any given moment.  Ironically, the more we accept our current self, the more we become available because we are not putting energy into wishing we are something else.  We are absolutely perfect as we are.  And that is the hardest thing to comprehend in life.


Minny Purinton