TAke Flight With The Octahedron


Take Flight With The Octahedron

Hello Stillpoint Community,

August 2021 frequency boost did not happen on the first Monday of the month.  I was out of town and the circumstances were not aligned.  I did the boost on August 12th and wow!  It was potent. I am now just getting the opportunity to let you know how it went.

This month we were held within the frequency field of the octahedron.  The octahedron is one of the platonic solids.  Frequency wise the octahedron configuration fosters the following:




Fosters creativity

Taps unconditional Love

Nurtures our true essence

Connects inner and outer worlds

Cultivates compassion for self and others

Transforms dense thought fields with breath

Encourages creativity through our voices

Creates coherent frequency within

Heartens us to allow forgiveness

Reinforces breathing

Opens the heart


As you can see, I had fun with this one.  I began and ended this word configuration with “Aum” or “Om”because Om is said to contain the totality of the universe.  It is the first sound of the Universe and encompasses everything past, present and future simultaneously.  In the chakra system Om is also connected to the third eye which represent intuition and self-knowledge.  So, it seems fitting to begin and end with Om because everything I write about ultimately is to inspire us to pay attention to our intuition, cultivate self-knowledge and palpably know that you are a part of All That Is..  All of us are some aspect of the first sound.  On a scientific note, chanting Om causes beneficial changes to the autonomic nervous system (heart, blood pressure, metabolism and other internal functions).  It is so important in these tumultuous times to cultivate our inner connection with the Universe within us in order to maintain calm within the storm.  Knowing our connection with All That Is fosters internal peace.  Act on what you do have control over. That is a choice worth cultivating.

This month within the octahedron configuration there is the opportunity to transform aspects of ourselves that are outdated, no longer serve or are just outright destructive to our wellbeing.  Take advantage of the octahedron frequency this month to notice unhealthy self-talk about yourself or others.  Pay attention to your breath.  Do you often hold it?  What is keeping the flow of breath from occurring?  Is it a thought or a belief that creates tension?  Where do you hold that tension?  Who do you need to forgive?  Where are you limiting your creativity? Where can you stand to be more loving, compassionate and accepting, especially where differences are concerned?  Notice, notice, notice…But please don’t freak out.  What you notice requires compassion and acceptance as well.  WE ARE ALL ONLY HUMAN.  If you think you are the only one with shadow material, take a look at the next person you see and I can guarantee that they have their particular version, even those that look well put together.

If you are someone who likes to meditate (or even if you don’t) make a practice of imagining putting your worries, your judgements, your fears inside an octahedron.  Picture a golden white beam of light running from apex to apex and out either end.  When you place your stuff in the octahedron, imagine it getting sucked up in the beam of light and transformed.  Do this as often as you like. Chanting “Aum” can’t hurt. And finally, remember to breath. Breath in your life and exhale with just as much exuberance.


Minny Purinton