Why Our Perspective On Death Matters

Hello Stillpoint Community

Some of you may be wondering where I have been?  I want you to know that the monthly Frequency Boosts continue regardless of whether I write about them.  I needed to take a break from writing.  Currently, the world is in flux.  There is a palpable sense that something very significant and deep is shifting in our reality and everyone is trying to make sense of what is occurring.  Intuitively this has felt like an appropriate moment to pause, ground and park in Stillness as these shifting sands move about.

In terms of conscious evolvement, necessary change is in the air. In the meantime, it is hard to watch suffering, insanity and instability take hold in the world.  From a place of Stillness, I humbly offer a message as a salve in these seemingly turbulent times….

I will start with the idea that all of us are psychic whether we acknowledge it or not.  Contrary to what we may think, we are not completely separate from one another.  As a species, we are meant to share our psychic space.  For various reasons including the preferred reliance on language, we discount our extrasensory abilities and conclude that synchronicities, reading each other’s minds, and feeling the sorrow of other people or places, are simply fiction or unrelated coincidences or “I am having an off day”.   

But what if each and every thought of ours is deposited in a dimension that is available to the collective?  And what if the thoughts put out in the collective field, are available to be received and felt?  And what if our collective thoughts affect weather patterns and world events?  Sounds like Sci-Fi.  But given the perfect storm of climate change, pandemic and hostile world forces, the implications are worth considering. 

To quote Jane Robert’s Seth, the most comprehensive and coherent source of material available on the nature of consciousness:

“The weather is created by you, on a subconscious level.  The weather, at any given time, is a direct physical interpretation of the inner mass mind.  The inner state of each individual mind is projected outward. The inner state causes chemical changes in the physical body. Chemicals are thrown outward into the atmosphere. Hormones are released of particular varieties. Very definite and unique electrical changes occur in the skin, which change on a mass level the atmosphere at any given unit.

All of these conditions merge to create the peculiar weather with its innumerable and constant changes. These exterior conditions then affect the individual physical structures and individuals react to the peculiar conditions which they have themselves created."

—TES8 Session 336 April 19, 1967

Take on the idea that our physical reality and everything we, as humans, have created on the physical plane, is composed of solidified emotions.  If we are shaping our reality by our thoughts born of our emotional states, which emotional states are having the most traction in the collective field right now?  Clearly the fearful ones. 

The collective emotional thought field is a magnetizing feedback loop.  What I mean by magnetized, is that when our thoughts and emotions get fed into the field, it attracts like.  The field starts to gain weight and gravity of sorts that then draws more into the field.  The more magnetized the thought field gets, the more the collective gets sucked into the field.  Once captured by the field, we conclude that the thoughts are actually our own.  We cannot fathom that our singular opinions are often born of collective thoughts. We relish in the joy when we find someone who thinks like us.  In actuality, it is the collective field pulling on us to think like it

And since this field is currently littered with our unprocessed emotional content stemming from our existential fear of annihilation, this is what we as a species are being magnetized to.  Who truly wants to believe we are being deeply influenced by the polluted emotions of fear and its counterparts - anger, judgement, paranoia, subservience, manipulation, dishonesty? …And the list goes on…

So what to do? You might expect me to say “examine your beliefs born from the collective field of mass indoctrination, but that’s not what I am going to say. In my honest opinion, we need to re-evaluate our notion of death. 

We are vital and alive awareness that cannot be annihilated.  When we grasp that concept on a cellular level, how might that change our perspective?  There are many credible stories of near-death experiences that confirm that life goes on after the body stops working, (See AnitaMorjani, Natalie Sudman, Eben Alexander and Melen Thomas Benedict.), to name just a few.

Once we assimilate that we are first and for most, pure awareness that cannot be extinguished, the morphic collective field of judgement, anger and so forth loses its ability to pull us in.  We are no longer interested in the fear of being annihilated.  And how many countless times have most of us been through this amnesic cycle?  It means we can lighten up a little.

The collective emotional field is charged right now in part because we are on the precipice of a seeming abyss - a new reality.  It only feels like an abyss because we do not know what lays on the other side.  We are on the cusp of embodying greater abilities of consciousness.  On a deep level, we know the truth of this, but on the surface, it brings up the collective fear for our safety and well-being primarily because we live in amnesic separation from our greater existence.  This palpable shift is terrifying because we have no idea who we really are.  Many are kicking and screaming their way into this new paradigm. 

Collectively we are instigating this change due to a yearning for new and fresh applications of meta consciousness within physicality.  To put it simply, we are fed up with the same old same old.  We have mastered intense focus in the physical world.  We are ready to explore greater levels of expanded awareness within physicality.  The babies now coming to earth are tuned in in ways we cannot understand.  They will reorient the physical field.  Structures will have to change to accommodate their knowledge.

Persons, systems of thinking (science and religion), governments, businesses and institutions, are and will recoil because they perceive they have a lot to lose.  Expect some fights and polarization during this time.  A level playing field seems unfathomable to the current top-bottom system but it is happening anyway.

To quote Jane Robert’s Seth

“Ego consciousness must now be familiarized with its roots, or it will turn into something else. You are in a position where your private experience of yourself does not correlate with what you are told by your societies, churches, sciences, archaeologies, or other disciplines. Man’s unconscious knowledge is becoming more and more consciously apparent.  This will be done under and with the direction of an enlightened and expanding egotistical awareness (much louder) that can organize the hereto neglected knowledge – or it will be done at the expense of the reasoning intellect (again louder), leading to a rebirth of superstition, chaos, and the unnecessary war between reason and intuitive knowledge.

(Pause.) When at this point now, of mankind’s development, his emerging unconscious knowledge is denied by institutions, then it will rise up despite those institutions and annihilate them. (Pause.) Cult after cult will emerge, each unrestrained by the use of reason, because reason will have denied the existence of rampant unconscious knowledge, disorganized and feeling only its own ancient force.

If this happens, all kinds of old and new religious denominations will war, and all kinds of ideologies surface.  This need not take place, for the conscious mind – basically, now – having learned to focus in physical terms, is meant to expand, to accept unconscious intuitions and knowledge, and to organize these deeply creative principles into cultural patterns,

The great emotion of love has thus far been poorly used, yet it represents even the biological impetus of your being.  Your religions in a large measure have taught you to hate yourselves and physical existence.  They have told you to love God, but rarely taught you to experience the gods in yourself.”

Unknown Reality Volume I pg 85-86

From a grounded perspective, we need not devolve into superstition and chaos by joining the agitated and confused mass mind.  We simply must not feed the collective fear ball.  It means we avoid getting caught in the magnetic snare.  To avoid this snare, we must garner and embody a heightened perspective of existence.  This means we park in our earthly bodies while at the same time hold the bigger perspective of consciousness.  A heightened view will help ground us in the bigger picture of our evolution within the earth story.  Remember, nonphysical awareness wants to play in physicality, but the story has to remain interesting.  Those that have been playing in this for a long time, are ready to change the story.  Next chapter.

I have been a student of consciousness studies for over 40 years.  I’d like to share a few pearls of insight from this journey that often came as moments of grace.  I have gone down many paths via plant medicine, mediumship, shamanism, training in quantum and energy healing and a deep dive into consciousness studies.  I hope what I have discovered about the nature of consciousness will resonate with you and help you ground yourself through this turbulent moment.

I present these insights as though I am awareness on the other side of the veil:

  • We are a vibrant living consciousness.  Our physical bodies may come and go, but we cannot be destroyed, ever.

  • We are self-aware and aware of the whole.

  • We are creators.  We create worlds because we are curious.  We seek novelty, newness and freshness. We delight in being surprised. We create with joy and spontaneity.

  • Earth is a form of improvisational psychic theater that conscious awareness uses to play within.  It’s fun to create within the earth environment.  We find it interesting to use the senses of feel, smell, touch, hearing and seeing as tools of physicality. We sometimes choose difficult experiences because we are curious what it feels like.  We know we will learn a lot from those experiences. In the scheme of things, the duration of a life is short when placed in the context of immortality.

  • From your standpoint you cannot fully comprehend or appreciate why we choose to experience certain earth storylines.

  • Our existence outside of physicality is infinitely complex, layered and more spectacular than you on earth at present can imagine.

  • Sustained expanded consciousness is available and poised to be useful in your world if your culture and belief systems believe in it and support it.

  •  We exist simultaneously in multiple realities and probabilities at once.  We are aware in each of these realities.  All probabilities are provoked and experienced as a means of exploration. Probabilities influence one another to encourage maximum value fulfillment.

  •  There are countless kinds of consciousness. Everything is created by consciousness therefore all of creation is awareized.

  • Time and Space are illusions created for physical realities.  Our past present and future are happening simultaneously.

  •  Our true nature outside of physical planes absolutely loves and respects each and every existence in all of creation. No one being is greater than another. We are individual and one.

  • All of us are deeply connected. We perceive each other’s thoughts.  We recognize that our thoughts affect the entire Cosmos.

  • There are complexities that are truly astounding.  Intelligences and blocks of vitality are unbelievable in their maturity, awareness and comprehension.

  • Addressing your diminished beliefs about self and acknowledging their falsehood, and anything else that gets in the way of your natural state of being, will allow greater access to us and expanded states of consciousness.

  • We are a breath away from you.  The only thing getting in the way of clear communication is the constructs of your beliefs.

  • To be in physicality, you have to have a high degree of skill in sustained focus, among other things.  It is a hugely complex process.  We have great respect for those of you who choose to experience physicality. You are Rock Stars!

  •  We are aware that we are expressions of the totality of All That Is.  All That Is, is experiencing and discovering itself through all aspects of its creation.

  •  You are one of us. You are us.


If we truly absorbed the possibility of immortality, how might we approach our moments on earth differently?

What levels of expanded awareness would you like to cultivate?

With Gratitude And Love To You All

Minny Purinton