Stillpoint Transformation Frequency Boosts: An Important Message

Hello Boosters,

Recently I was called to an exquisite jungle on the flanks of an active volcano in Costa Rica. I am on the email list of a well-known healer. I had never experienced him in person but was intrigued by what he did, but honestly, I never paid attention to the emails he put out.  One day last year, one of the healer’s emails came in with a heading saying something to the effect - Costa Rica Retreat.  It caught my eye.  I looked the retreat up on the website, and I knew I had to go even though the description was vague.  The odd thing was I was not drawn to go to be with the healer, although this person is legit and a very good healer.  I didn’t need to be healed by the healer.  It was the land I was drawn to. It was a yearning really. There was something about the land I was meant to experience, but I had no idea why or what.

So, I signed up for the retreat knowing I would be hanging out with strangers during Covid, on a platform, in the jungle with a healer I knew very little about, just so I could be on this land.  But the thought of just absorbing the land, hiking in the jungle, lounging on big boulders, and soaking in pristine waters, felt sublime and perfect – a great place to deeply ground and connect with mother earth.  What I didn’t know yet was there was another layer to the story about this land that I would soon discover.

We arrived in the dark after a rainy 30 minute, very bumpy, 4 wheel drive up to the platform from the main road. Since it was dark, I felt pretty disoriented.  The platform was on a hill.  I knew that much.  We parked on an incline and climbed stairs to a very large if not huge wooden circular platform with an equally massive circular roof.  The platform was mostly open on the sides except on the part of the platform that faced the prevailing winds and rain.  I set up my little sleeping space on the half of the platform where the group was situated for sleeping, then joined the group on the other half of the platform where they were chatting it up with the healer.  For a brief moment I doubted what I had gotten myself into, but that soon passed as I heard the voices of casual conversation and laughter.  The healer had a great sense of humor.

The next morning, I awoke early to a view that took my breath away.  The healer had cleared a wide swath around the platform to keep the jungle and its critters away.  But the view out into the jungle and up the slopes of this volcano, was spectacular.  I had brought binoculars. I sat entranced with my feet dangling over the edge of the platform watching from up close as the mist receded from the trees and the early morning sunlight cast light and shadow on the foliage. The scenery was sublime and ineffable.

The group of 16 bonded easily.  We awoke in the mornings at our own pace.  We ate delicious breakfasts prepared by the healer.  We lounged around and drank tea, engaged in conversations with the healer and had group healing sessions with the healer, which was not my favorite part since I was not there for any particular healing as my cup was/is full.  But we were a group and I was there for the land, and I loved the people.  Many of the people in the group were healers in their own right and shared their potent gifts with the group, which was lovely to witness.

Some days we took long walks through the jungle to pristine sections of river to large swimming holes surrounded by large boulders, waterfalls or canyons.  We learned to walk with care in rubber boots so as to not get tripped up on vines or get mired in mud from the near nightly rains. When we came home…. more tea and conversation and sometimes singing.  The healer would cook us simple, yet delicious dinners.  We’d talk into the night and then start all over the next day. This lasted for 2 weeks.

But something else was happening on this platform.  Shortly after arriving at this place, I experienced a state that I can only describe as a trance state that I experience when I am merged with my clients in healing sessions.  This state normally goes away when my session is over, however here, in this place, it was unrelenting.  It would not let up. Fortunately, it was a deeply relaxing state, highly focused on the land and I was able to function.  At times I felt as though I was inhabited by an eagle.  I felt intense concentration on the land itself as though I was soaring the skies looking down on this earthly paradise.  My head would often survey the landscape with motions like that of an eagle.  I found this odd but at the time I didn’t question it either. It felt natural.  I have to laugh because at one point the healer told me I was concentrating too much, but I couldn’t help it and didn’t care because it felt like my natural state was to be spontaneously poised as an eagle surveying the land for it’s next meal. I felt as though I could shape shift and fly right off that platform.

Several days in to our stay, we were told by the healer that several psychics had separately mentioned that this land, where the platform was located, sat atop a buried pyramid and that the pyramid housed a chakra point of new earth consciousness placed there by Lemurians and Atlanteans a very long time ago.  Of course, no one can verify any of this story as true and anything other than supposition, however I can attest that there is a very palpable frequency coming from this place.  And the platform was sitting on top of a mound of sorts.  Whatever was there, caused me to go and stay in a trance state for most of my visit. And that state started before I learned anything about a pyramids, chakra points or vortexes.  This place was clearly highly charged! The healer also mentioned that sometimes it was hard to sleep, which was true.  But I also found that I never felt tired and I didn’t need as much sleep.  And sometimes I slept deeply and peacefully.  This was an exceptional place and it was clear I was meant to find it.

The healer mentioned that those who show up at this place are meant to disseminate the frequency emanating from this place; to take it out into the world as tendrils from the source.  It also dawned on me that the place where I envision the monthly Stillpointtransformation frequency boosts, looks a lot like the physical space on this platform! Except in the psychic space it is dark.  When the Stillpoint Transformation boosts start, we are sitting around a central pole of light, just like the physical platform has a solid wood pole. In the boosts, our hearts emanate a beam of light inwards towards the center pole as we begin the process of linking up and becoming one group avatar, just like how it looks in this photo. I took this picture of the roof of the platform because it reminds me of our boosts and because the roof is beautifully constructed.  In the physical world, this center pole is placed in the earth at the supposed apex of the pyramid.

So, guess what Boosters!  Our group avatar just got infused with a potent frequency that just got more powerful because I went to visit the physical source.  As the avatar grows, so does the potency of the results.  We are at a time when we are meant to inhabit previously un-accessed levels of consciousness and ground it within humanity.  While you gain personal benefits from the boost, this is also a group effort for instigating change within the current paradigm. When you get infused with this frequency, you are spreading this frequency outward. So please tell your friends. Pass it on and sign up.  I am writing less about the boosts these days unless there is something extra ordinary that I compelled to write about such as this event.  I suppose this is not great marketing, but like me following intuition to show up in Costa Rica, those who are meant to be part of the Stillpoint Boost, will be part of the boost whether I write about them or not. They will find it. So please pass it on – be it your coherence and the gifts you have to offer, or to tell someone about the boosts and how to sign up.  The boosts happen monthly, regardless.  And as always, there is nothing you need to do.  Simply by signing up you give permission to a meta aspect of yourself to participate in this group, with the intent of bringing these advanced frequencies down into the body for healing and to ground them within humanity.

With Love, Minny

Minny Purinton